Do not “shoot out” a bore obstruction – Ruger MINI-14 User Manual
Page 18

humid conditions which could cause condensation, or to rain or snow which
might have entered the bore, open the bolt and clean out the barrel. Inspect the
bore visually to be sure that it is perfectly clear (See “Ammunition Warning” p.
11 and “Care and Cleaning” section p. 29)
A gun user should recognize that a lodged bullet is a fairly common form of bore
obstruction. Therefore the following information on how a bullet may become
lodged in the bore, and how it should be removed, deserves most careful reading
and heeding!
1. When firing, a bullet may become lodged in the bore if the cartridge contains
no powder, or the powder fails to ignite and only the primer charge ignites,
producing insufficient force to propel the bullet out of the bore.
2. A bullet may also become lodged in the bore when extracting a cartridge from
the chamber (unloading). If the bullet is not crimped tightly enough in the
cartridge case, the bullet may stick in the bore, with only the case being
Experience indicates that the two conditions described above occur most
frequently with reloaded ammunition.
When either of the above described (1 or 2) situations occurs, proceed as follows
with the rifle pointing in a safe direction:
a) If the rifle is cocked, move the safety to the “ON” position.
b) Remove the magazine from the rifle.
B e f o re loading or shooting the Mini-14 rifle, be
c e rtain the bore is unobstructed. Firing the rifle
with any obstruction in the bore may result in
s e v e re damage to the rifle and serious injury to
the shooter and other persons nearby.
A MISFIRE or unusual re p o rt (sound) upon firing
is always a signal to cease firing immediately and
after waiting for one minute, examine the
chamber and bore of the fire a rm. It is not
s u fficient to retract the slide handle and examine
the chamber. You must remove the magazine,
clear the chamber, lock the bolt open and inspect
the bore visually - and with a rod if necessary - to
be certain it is completely clear of any
o b s t ruction. Failure to detect and corre c t l y
remove a bore obstruction can result in serious
i n j u ry to the shooter and bystanders, and damage
to the fire a rm .