Power up, Starting a program quick start, Manual – Spirit ZE20 User Manual
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Power up
The elliptical is supplied with a wall mount power supply. When power is connected to the
elliptical, the console will automatically power up. If there is no input to the console for 4
minutes the console will go to stand-by mode. In stand-by mode the console display will
turn off. All work out data will be saved in stand-by mode.
When initially powered on the large display will light. The data windows will show zero and
the program choices will be blinking in the large window. If the console is in stand-by mode,
pressing any key or beginning your exercising will wake the console up.
Starting a program
Quick Start
After the console powers up you may press the Start key to begin, this will initiate the Quick
Start mode. In Quick Start the Time will count up from zero and the workload may be
adjusted manually by pressing the Up/Down buttons. Distance and Calories will accrue,
starting from zero.
The Calorie window will switch between Calories and Watts every 5 seconds. The Calorie
reading shows total Calories burned and is an approximate number. The Watt reading
indicates how much work you are doing. If the Watt reading is 100, this means you are
doing enough work to light a 100 watt light bulb.
The bottom left data window will switch between RPM and Speed every 5 seconds. RPM is
your actual pedal rotation speed, and the Speed readout is in KPH, indicating approximate
road speed as if pedaling a bicycle in 7
The Distance window shows distance traveled, based on pedal speed, in miles. The Pulse
window will display your heart rate in beats per minute if you are holding the heart rate
hand sensors, or wearing a chest strap transmitter.
Using the Up/Down keys, highlight the Manual icon at the top of the display and press
Mode key. The profile will be blinking and you may use the Up/Down keys to adjust the
program work level and then press Mode. The Time window will now be blinking. Use the
Up/Down keys to adjust the program Time and then press Mode. The Distance window will
now be blinking and you can adjust a target Distance using the Up/Down keys then press
Mode. Calories will now be blinking, repeat the same process as above to set, then press
Mode. The Watt icon will be blinking. If you choose to set the Watts then the machine will
automatically adjust the workload to maintain continuous work. What this means is that if
you set the Watt to 100 the machine will try to keep you working at a rate of work that
equals 100 Watts (or working at a rate that will keep a 100 Watt light bulb burning). Watts
are determined by the amount of work you are doing. On the elliptical this means the speed
you are pedaling at combined with the workload of the machine. In Watt mode, if you
change your speed the machine will automatically change the workload to maintain the
same Watt level. If you pedal faster the workload will decrease and if you pedal slower the
workload increases.
After adjusting all the parameters, press Start to begin your workout.