Sprint Nextel OVATION U720 User Manual
Page 112

Section 5B: Terms and Conditions
store materials or visit www.sprint.com for additional
important information on this option.
Wireless Web. Wireless Web Services may be available
depending on your device and Service plan/option. This is not
a Vision service. Usage is calculated on minutes used and
generally deducts from your Service plan minutes. See our
printed in-store materials or visit
additional important information on this option.
Lost or Stolen Equipment. If your device is lost or stolen, please
notify us immediately by calling 1-888-211-4PCS. You are
responsible for all charges incurred before you notify us of the
loss or theft. You agree to cooperate reasonably with us in
investigating suspected unlawful or fraudulent use.
Messaging. You may incur charges in accessing, sending or
receiving messages on your device. We may impose limits on
the number of voicemail, text, email or other messages that
can be retained through your account. Indicators of messages
on your device, including mailbox icons, may not always
provide an up to date indication of new messages and you
may at times need to manually reset or clear your mailbox
indicator. Legitimate messages may be interrupted by
software aimed at prevention of SPAM or similar messages.
Caller ID. If you do not want people you call to receive the
number assigned to your phone, call us at 1-888-211-4PCS for
information about automatic Caller ID blocking. The number
assigned to your phone can be blocked on a per-call basis by
dialing *67 + Destination Number + TALK (or similar key).
Caller ID blocking is not available when using Vision or
Wireless Web services.
TTY Access. A TTY (also known as TDD or Text Telephone) is a
telecommunications device that allows people who are deaf
or hard of hearing, or who have speech or language
disabilities, to communicate by telephone. TTY doesn't work