StarDot Technologies NetCam RS-232 User Manual
Netcam, Digital camera + web server = netcam

Cost Effective Remote Imaging
Excellent Tool for Management,
Construction, Tourism, Marketing, Web
Site Traffic Building, Security
IP-Addressable, Built-in Web Server,
Requires No PC to Operate!
Connects Directly to LAN, Cable, DSL,
Wireless or Modem (with ISP Account)
Excellent Digital Image Quality, Up to
1280x960 Resolution (NetCam MP)
View and Configure with any Graphical
Web Browser, No Plug-Ins Required
Automatically Archives on Remote Server
Outdoor Enclosures and Wide Selection
of Lenses Available
Easy to Use, Turnkey Solution
Compatible with StarDot DVR security
recording software
IP-Addressable Camera with
Integrated Web Server Offers
Highest Quality Live Images
The StarDot Technologies NetCam is both a high
quality digital camera and a powerful web server,
all in one small package. NetCam makes it easy to
view high quality live digital images from anywhere
in the world via the Internet... only a web browser is
required. Regardless of what type of computer you
own and what type of Internet connection you have,
NetCam can provide you or the world with high
resolution live images.
Digital Internet Camera with Integrated Web Server
For more information, call us at 1-888-STARDOT
(888-782-7368) or visit us at