Sound Performance Lab PQ Mastering Equalizer User Manual

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Analog, dual-channel fi ve-band parametric equalizer

Owner‘s Manual V 1.4, 9/2003

Software version 240H

R & D: Wolfgang Neumann

The information in this document has been carefully verifi ed and is assumed to be
correct. However Sound Performance Lab (SPL) reserves the right to modify the
product described in this manual at any time. Changes without notice. This document
is the property of SPL and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner, in part or
full without the authorization of SPL.

Limitations of Liability:

In no event will SPL be liable for any damages, including loss of data, lost profi ts,
cost of cover or other special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising
from the use of the unit, however caused and on any theory of liability. This limita-
tion will apply even if SPL or an authorized dealer has been adviced of the possibility
of such damage.

Sound Performance Lab

SPL electronics GmbH

P.O. Box 12 27, D- 41368 Niederkruechten, Germany

Phone +49 2163 983 40

Fax +49 2163 983 420

Email: [email protected]

© 2003 SPL electronics GmbH

All rights reserved. Technical specifi cations and appearance are subject to change
without notice.

PQ Mastering Equalizer, Model 2050

Owner‘s Manual