Sanus Systems Screen Care Kit ELM101 User Manual
Elm101 - screen care kit, Directions

Sanus Systems 2221 Hwy 36 West, Saint Paul, MN 55113 USA
Customer Service: 1-800-359-5520 • [email protected] •
ELM101 - Screen Care Kit
(6901-100197 <00>)
Avoid contact with eyes or skin! In case of accidental contact, flush thoroughly with water. Keep out of
reach of children.
Avoid potential damage to components! Refer to you TV owner’s manual to be sure that the screen can
be cleaned with the Screen Cleaning Gel. Do not use the Screen Cleaning Gel on rear projection TVs.
These TVs must only be cleaned with a dry micro-fiber cloth or carbon fiber brush.
Carbon Fiber Brush
Use the carbon fiber brush for wiping dust and debris from the screen. If
the screen needs more thorough cleaning, use the Screen Cleaning Gel.
Turn off TV.
Position fingers over the metal plate on the handle.
Wipe the brush horizontally across the screen, then vertically
across the screen.
Screen Clean
Screen Clean
Thank you for choosing Sanus Systems Elements Screen Care Kit. If you have any questions, please contact
Customer Service at 1-800-359-5520.