SMC Networks T-Maxx 4910 User Manual

Page 47

background image

Jumping 37
Lean 24, 29

leaning the mixture 24
maximum safe lean setting 34-35,

Lubrication 29
Maintenance 44
Maintenance schedule 21
Methanol 45
Mixture needles 34

high-speed needle 22, 24, 28, 35, 43
low-speed needle 22, 24, 28, 35

Moisture 44, 45
Needle seat 28
Needle settings 43
Needle valve 24
Negative wire 22
Neutral (center) point 17
Neutral position 12
Nitro 24

content 24, 26
percentage 26

compensating for 35

Nitromethane, see also Nitro 24
O-ring 24
Oil 6

after-run 6, 45
filter 6, 27
WD-40™ 6, 45

Oil Dampers, see Shocks
On/Off switch 7, 11, 14, 18, 42
Over-revving 37
Peak Detection, see Charger
Pinch test 35
Pipe (tuned) 7, 22, 24, 25
Pipe hanger 7
Piston 24, 32

wrist pin 44, 45

Piston and Sleeve 43, 44
Pivot Balls 39
Port 24
Positive Wire 22
Power Switch 11

Pressure Line 7, 22
Primary gear shaft 38
Priming, see Engine; priming
ProGraphix 10
Punch 25
Quick Start 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18,
19, 20, 26, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, 44
Radio interference 5, 20
Radio System 11, 12, 19, 42

adjustments 17
controls 16
range-testing 20
rules 18
terminology 12
terms 12

Range 14, 15, 18, 20, 42

short 42

Receiver 11, 12, 42

cover (box) 7, 15, 42

Required equipment 6
Reverse 19, 37, 42
Rich 25, 29
Ride height 41
Rollovers 37
RPM 25

limits 37

Safety 5
Servo reversing switches 11, 17
Servos 7, 11, 12

reversing 11, 17
shifting 7, 11, 19
steering 7, 11, 17, 19
throttle/brake 7, 11, 17, 19

Shift button 11, 19, 37, 42
Shift point 38
Shift Rod 7, 19
Shifting 34, 35, 37, 42
Shipping 4
Shock Mounting Positions 40

Lower 40
Upper 41

Shock Tower 7
Shocks 7

Fine Tuning 39

Shuddering 42
Skid Plate 7
Sleeve 25, 32
Slipper Clutch 7, 38, 44

adjusting 38
pegs 44

Smoke 34
Spring progression 40, 41
Spring rate 40, 41
Spur Gear 7, 38
Stalling, see Engine; stalling
Starter shaft 45
Starting, see Engine; starting
Steering mechanism 19
Steering Trim, Electronic 11, 12, 17,
Steering Wheel 11, 19
Storage 45
Supplies 6
Support 4, 42
Suspension 39

adjusting 39, 40, 41

Suspension Arms 7
Tank 1 33
Tank 2 33
Tank 3 33
Tank 4 33
Tank 5 33
Tank 6 33
Temperature, see Engine;
Temperature gauge 36

digital temperature gauge 36
infrared temperature probe 36

Throttle Arm 22
Throttle Neutral Adjustment 11, 17
Throttle response 35
Throttle slide 35
Throttle Trigger 11, 17, 19
Throttle Trim, Electronic 11, 12, 17,
19, 35

Toe-in 39
Tools 6
TQ-3, see also Radio System 11
Transmission 7, 42

housing 38
two-speed 38

Transmitter 12, 18, 42

indicator light 19
power indicator 11, 13

Traxxas Lifetime Engine
Replacement Plan 44
Trim, see also Throttle Trim and
Steering Trim 12
Troubleshooting 42
Turnbuckle 7
Turns 37
Two Speed Access Plug 7, 38
Water 43
Wear-in 25
Weather conditions 35
Wheelies 34, 37
Wheels 9
Wiring diagram 11
WOT 25, 28
X-tal see also Crystal 12
Zero-scrub-radius 19

