SWR Sound Super Redhead User Manual

Page 12

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The Super Redhead's front cover was designed to ser ve two main purposes: to protect the electron-
ics and speakers during transpor t, and to double as a stand. To use the cover as an angled stand,
remove the cover and place it in the desired location (carpet side up). Next, remove the caster
wheels from the bottom of the unit and place it carefully on the cover/angle stand. You now have an
angled amplification system that still couples the low end to the floor. Since all things have their lim-
its, we do not suggest using the cover/angle stand as a ramp.

The single rack space directly below the Super Redhead’s chassis is included for your convenience
and is designed to accept any standard single rack space unit (19" wide x 1.75" high).

The Super Redhead comes with removable caster wheels for easy transportation. To remove the cast-
er wheels, simply turn the unit on its side and pull them out from the caster sockets. This will be
necessar y if you plan to use the cover/angle stand during practice or per formance.

The handles on either side of the Super Redhead were chosen for their “rattle free” proper ties and
the extra-thick rubber padded grips. The handle placement allows for near per fect balance (meaning
the unit should not tilt for ward or backward when carried).

Almost ever y musician we talked to told us that at some time or another they were going to end up
sitting on the amp. With this in mind, we would like you to know that we spent a great deal of time
and effor t to remove all mounting screws, vents and other obstacles from the top of the combo and
covered it with carpet just to make these times more comfor table for you. Enjoy.

The SWR Super Redhead has been designed with a robust 350-watt power amp, capable of driving
its own speaker complement as well as cleanly driving an extension cabinet. When used by itself, a
large amount of headroom is available in the Super Redhead’s power amp, which provides two impor-
tant benefits: 1) A cleaner signal and better sound; 2) A power amp that operates at lower tempera-
ture, thereby prolonging component life.

However, because “combo” amplifiers such as the Super Redhead are designed as “all-in-one,” self-
contained units (i.e., incorporating both power and speaker sections), some players are under the
impression that they should be able to turn all controls to maximum without fear of speaker damage,
distor tion, etc. This is simply not the case. The Super Redhead will not overpower its internal speak-
er section when run properly and in accordance with the operating instructions in this manual.
However, damage to the internal drivers may occur if the amplifier section is driven into clipping for
long periods of time. Please be aware of this possibility and turn down your Master Volume control if
you hear distor tion or notice that the Power Amp Clip LED is constantly lighting during operation.