5 touchscreen calibration & drivers – Silicon Image silicondvr s1-2k User Manual
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2.5 Touchscreen Calibration & Drivers
The flash drive of the SI-2K is protected from inadvertent writing by the File Based Write Filter
(FBWF). This protection keeps the file system from being corrupted during unexpected
shutdowns, such as when the battery runs down. In order to make changes to the system files,
it is necessary to turn off this protection, make the changes and then re-enable the protection.
While the FBWF is off, be sure that the camera cannot lose power and is always shut
down or rebooted under software control.
1. Disable FBWF by selecting "Disable FBWF and Reboot" shortcut in the SI folder on the desktop
2. After the reboot, perform the Touchkit calibration or additional device drivers
3. Enable FBWF by selecting "Enable FBWF and Reboot" shortcut in the SI folder on the desktop
4. After the reboot the system is ready to use
Although the camera will operate with the FBWF disabled, it is strongly suggested that the
filter be immediately re-enabled after any maintenance.