Subaru H7110FS400 User Manual
Page 2

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
A. Pre-Installation Notes
B. Security Module Installation
1. Vehicle Preparation
a. Lower the driver’s side window to avoid inadvertently locking the keys in the vehicle dur-
ing installation.
b. Disconnect negative battery terminal to prevent accidental shorting of any power circuits.
2. System Preparation
Remove the security module from the package and inspect for any physical damage.
3. Shock Sensor Adjustment
The shock sensor adjustment knob is recessed inside the unit and is covered by a protective seal.
This adjustment is PRESET at the factory.
1. Open the parking brake/tray cover which is shown in
Figure 1.
2. Remove the two screw caps and two screws indicat-
ed by the arrows in Figure 2 and disengage the four
hooks indicated by the arrows in Figure 1.
3. If applicable disconnect the two harnesses (white
housing and blue housing) on the parking brake
cover, then remove the parking brake cover.
NOTE: Depending on the vehicle type, your vehi-
cle may not have these harnesses.
4. Remove the gearshift cover by pulling up in areas
indicated by the arrows in Figure 3.
a. For manual transmission, the shift knob must be
removed by unscrewing.
b. For automatic transmission, shifter must tem-
porarily be placed into neutral.
NOTE: The negative battery terminal will have
to be reconnected and then disconnected
to move the shifter into neutral.