P2-3, Table of contents cautions – Sea & Sea 860G User Manual
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165 mm+-2
Table Of Contents
D o not try to dis a s s e mble the ca me ra by yours e lf, which ma y da ma ge the ca me ra or ca us e e le ctric s hock.
D o not fire the fla s h in a clos e dis ta nce (le s s tha n 1 me te r); it ma y hurt your e ye s .
K e e p the ca me ra a wa y from the re a ch of childre n or a nima ls to pre ve nt the m from s wa llowing the ba tte rie s or s ma ll a cce s s orie s .
S top us ing the ca me ra if a ny kind of liquid or fore ign obje ct e nte r the ca me ra . If it ha ppe ns , powe r off the ca me ra a nd conta ct with
your de a le r for he lp.
D o not ope ra te this ca me ra with we t ha nds ; it ma y ca us e e le ctric s hock.
T he ca me ra ma y be da ma ge d in a n e nvironme nt of high te mpe ra ture .
T o a void e le ctricity le a ka ge , ple a s e re move the ba tte ry if the ca me ra is not in us e for a long pe riod.
It is norma l tha t the te mpe ra ture of the ca me ra body ris e s if the ca me ra works for a long time .
Small Tip
to Save You Big Headache
A digita l ca me ra is in a wa y ve ry s imila r to a compute r. If the digita l ca me ra ha ngs its e lf during
ope ra tion, ple a s e follow the proce dure s be low a nd mos t like ly the ca me ra ca n be re -a ctiva te d.
1. R e move the ba tte ry.
2. R e loa d the ba tte ry.
3. S witch on the ca me ra .
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03
Overall Introduction
------------------------------------------------------------------ 04
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04
E xternal V iew
----------------------------------------------------------------------- 05
Icon Introduction
--------------------------------------------------------------- 05
Icon Display
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06
Getting Ready
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07
T urn On or Off the C amera ---------------------------------------------------- 07
Loading the B attery------------------------------------------------------------------ 07
C harging the B attery with the C harger
Inserting or R emoving a Memory C ard
------------------------------------------ 08
Attaching the Wrist S trap ------------------------------------------------------ 10
B asic P hotography ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
Under Image Shooting Mode ( )
----------------------------------------------- 12
W IDE / T E L E B utton----------------------------------------------------------- 12
Macro Mode --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
F lash Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
S elf-timer Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------- 14
V oice Memo Mode ------------------------------------------------------------ 14
E xposure / Delete B utton ----------------------------------------------------- 15
Image S ize S etting ------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Image Quality S etting ---------------------------------------------------------- 16
Metering S etting ---------------------------------------------------------------- 17
S harpness S etting -------------------------------------------------------------- 17
E ffect S etting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
White B alance S etting --------------------------------------------------------- 18
P hoto F rame S etting ----------------------------------------------------------- 19
Night S cene S etting ----------------------------------------------------------- 20
Histogram ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20
C ontinuos S hooting S etting ------------------------------------------------------- 21
S E T UP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Under Image Stabilizing Helper Mode ( )
--------------------------------------- 22
Under Playback Mode
( ) ----------------------------------------------------- 23
P layback of a S till Image ------------------------------------------------------ 23
P layback of a Movie C lip ------------------------------------------------------ 23
T humbnail Display (S mall Images) ----------------------------------------- 24
E xploring an Image ------------------------------------------------------------- 24
Displaying Image Information ------------------------------------------------ 25
S tarting a S lide S how --------------------------------------------------------- 25
Printer Connection (PictBridge Mode) ------------------------------------
TV Connection -------------------------------------------------------------------48
PC Connection ------------------------------------------------------------------ 49
SETUP Setting
Under Digital Music Player Mode
( )
Error Message Table
------------------------------------ ------------------------60
Specifications -------------------------------------------------------------------61
Appendix -------------------------------------------------------------------------62
------------------------------------------ 10