SIGMA 150Ci User Manual
Page 55

Part A - Transport package
The Model 880 Delta, Model 880 Sigma and Model 880 Elite are approved as radiographic
exposure devices and Type B(U) transport packages under the certification number
USA/9269/B(U)-XX (for XX enter either 85 or 96 according to the package certification).
The -96 designation for Type B(U) certifications is being phased in worldwide and will go
into full effect on January 1, 2004.
The Model 880 Delta, Model 880 Sigma or Model 880 Elite exposure devices are tested
and approved for transport with or without the optional jacket as the Type B(U) package.
The transport package without a jacket consists of the stainless steel housing, front and
back plates with the appropriate mechanisms and the exposure device's label.
As a shipper of radioactive material, you must perform a pre-shipment inspection to verify
conformance to the Type B(U) certification for each individual shipment of radioactive
material. This verification assures the package's integrity is not compromised, which may
cause a reduction of safety while in the transport system.
Visually inspect the transport package:
Assure the source assembly is properly secured in the locked position.
The selector ring must be in the LOCK position, the protective cover in place,
the plunger lock engaged and the key removed.
Assure all screws are present and secured.
Assure the front port is properly secured.
Assure the seal wire is properly installed, if used.
Assure the ‘Danger, Radioactive Material’ label is securely attached and visible on
the package. Assure that the label is legible and not defaced.
Assure the other information on label is legible (the warnings and trefoil, the model
number and serial number and the Type B certification number).
Visually assure all welded areas are not cracked. If there is any evidence of cracked
welds contact AEA Technology QSA prior to shipment.
Assure all the conditions of the Certificate of Compliance are met and the transport
package has all the required markings.
Wipe test the transport package over an area of 300cm
and assure the level of
removable contamination is less than 0.00001 µCi per cm
Part B - Receipt of radioactive material
1 A radioactive material package must be accepted from the carrier at the time it is
delivered. [10CFR20.1906(a)(1)]
2 If a radioactive material package is to be held at the carrier's terminal for pickup,
arrangements must be made to receive notification from the carrier of the arrival of the
package at the time of arrival. The package must be picked up expeditiously upon receipt
of notification (within three hours if practicable). [10CFR20.1906(c), Reg. Guide 7.3-5]
3 Monitoring as described in steps 2-3 must be performed as soon as practicable but at
least within three hours if received during normal working hours or within three hours of
the next work day if received after normal working hours. [10CFR20.1906]
3a Upon receipt of a package of radioactive material, the package shall be placed in a
restricted area. Assure appropriate personnel are notified.
3bSurvey the exterior surfaces of the package at the time of receipt and assure that the
maximum radiation level does not exceed 200mRem/hr (2mSv/hr). Survey at 1m from the
exterior surfaces of the packages and assure that the maximum radiation level does not exceed
10mRem/hr (0.1mSv/hr). If either of these limits are exceeded, notify the Radiation Safety
Officer immediately. Record the maximum radiation levels measured at the package surface
and at 1m from the package surface on the Receiving Report. [10CFR20.1906(d), 10CFR71.47]