Nc class stainless, Marley, Specifications: base – SPX Cooling Technologies SS-NC-08A User Manual

Page 4: Cooling tower

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Specification Value



NC Class Stainless

Cooling Tower


Specifications: Base





Provide an induced draft, crossflow

type, factory assembled, film fill,

industrial duty, stainless steel cooling

tower situated as shown on the plans.

The limiting overall dimensions of

the tower shall be _____ wide, _____

long, and _____ high. Total operating

kilowatt of all fans shall not exceed

____ kW, consisting of ___ @ _____

kW motor(s). Tower shall be similar and

equal in all respects to Marley Model


Your specification base establishes the type, configuration, base materi-

al and physical limitations of the cooling tower to be quoted. During the

planning and layout stages of your project, you will have focused your

attention on a cooling tower selection that fits your space allotment,

and whose power usage is acceptable. Limitations on physical size and

total operating horsepower avoid the introduction of unforeseen opera-

tional and site-related influences. Specifying the number of cells, and

the maximum fan kW/cell will work to your advantage.

The benefit of crossflow towers is that they are inherently easy to oper-

ate, access and maintain. Compared to counterflow towers, crossflow

towers have a spacious plenum between banks of fill for easy access to

all of the tower’s internal components, plus the water distribution sys-

tem is adjacent to the fan deck and can be maintained during operation.

The NC is also available unassembled for on-site assembly.