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The Challenge Questions

Each Challenge is made up of four questions about the chosen topic.

The faster your team answers these questions, the more points they

earn (if they get it right, of course!).
Exactly how your team comes up with an answer is up to the Project

Manager – after all, he’s the one holding the handset! If he is confi dent

he knows the answer, he can enter his selection without talking to

anyone else about it. This is where the job of being a Project Manager

gets tricky. If you act fast and select the right answer, your team will

admire your skill. If you pick the wrong answer, they will blame you

for defeat if you end up in the Boardroom!

Outside Help

As the game progresses, characters are going to be fi red and removed

from the show. If a player’s character has been fi red, he’s essentially

out of the game. But that’s not much fun, so once during each episode

(not once per question), a Project Manager can ask any such player to

help his team with the current question.
Whether or not that person decides to be helpful is up to him – he is

under no obligation at all. A player might refuse to help or agree and

then provide bad advice. It’s always a good idea to be careful when

asking for help from someone you fi red or voted against on a previous

turn. Either way, the Project Manager can not ask anyone else (except

his own team, of course) for help. Picking the right resource is a sign of

good management material.
It is possible for both teams to ask the same person for help – even at

the same time! Again, that’s just the way the business world works.

Challenge Summary

After all of the questions in a Challenge are asked, the results are

displayed. Here, you can see who got which answers right and how

many points they won. At the bottom of the screen, the totals are

displayed along with the name of the team that won the Challenge.

The Reward

Now that the hard work is done, it’s time to sit back and enjoy your

victory – assuming you were on the team that won, of course! Just

like on the show, the winning team is rewarded for their efforts.

Exactly what sort of prize they won is determined by the nature of

the Challenge. For example, if you were creating a new superhero you

might receive a rare and valuable comic book in mint condition.
It is worth noting that no actual prizes are being given away here. Just

because the screen tells you that everyone on your team won a new

sports car, you don’t get one in real life. These prizes are all in the

game. Everyone got that? Great!

The Boardroom

While the winners are enjoying their reward, the losing team is called

into the Boardroom. Here, they must face The Donald – and each other

– as they attempt to justify their actions and efforts.
Once your team enters the Boardroom, you’re going to be asked some

diffi cult questions. In his effort to fi nd the best person to join his team,

Donald is going to want to fi nd out who was responsible for the failings

of your team.
The fi rst person he’ll ask is the Project Manager. Remember, he’s

watching this person very carefully. He’ll be quick to listen to their

opinion and just as quick to blame them for poor leadership.
After the Project Manager has given his opinion, Donald will ask

the other players on the losing team what they think. One by one,

everybody will get to have their input.
Lastly, Donald will seek one more piece of information before deciding

who will be fi red. He might decide to ask someone for a second opinion,

either the Project Manager or one of the team members. He might even

ask a fi red character for his input or question someone on the winning


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2005-06-08 2:52:13 PM