Seiko BX-900 User Manual
Owner's manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Caution for use
- Unpacking the printer
- Quick startup
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Setting up
- 3. Control panel and operations
- 4. Basic setup options
- 5. Extended setup options
- About extended setup options
- Extended setup options summary
- Print enhancement
- 10 Emulation
- 11 Character table (HP mode)
- 12 Character table (Epson mode)
- 13 Character table (IBM mode)
- 14 National font style
- 15 Code page
- 16 IBM Alternate graphic mode (AGM) (Valid in IBM mode)
- 17 Carriage return (CR)
- 18 Line feed (LF)
- 19 Line feed spacing
- 20 Slashed zero
- 21 Set default tab stops
- 22 Lock-in the page length
- 23 Print quality
- 24 Lock-in the font
- 25 Lock-in the character spacing
- 26 Lock-in the print quality
- Bar code print enhancement
- HP mode enhancement
- Paper handling enhancement
- Communication enhancement
- 60 Interface type
- 61 SELECT IN signal (parallel interface)
- 62 Parity bit (serial interface)
- 63 Data length (serial interface)
- 64 Stop bit (serial interface)
- 65 Communication protocol (serial interface)
- 66 Communication speed (serial interface)
- 67 Serial error check (serial interface)
- 68 CTS signal (serial interface)
- 69 CD signal (serial interface)
- 70 DSR signal (serial interface)
- 71 Communication buffer size
- 72 Busy/ACK timing (parallel interface)
- 73 Data latch timing (parallel interface)
- 74 Setting of whether ERROR/PE signals are output or not
- Miscellaneous
- 6. Setting the application software
- 7. Troubleshooting
- 8. Maintenance
- 9. Bar code and enlarged character
- Bar cord function
- Outline of bar code function
- Specified items on Bar Code
- Bar Code command
- (1) Bar code type
- (2) Element width
- (3) Bar code height
- (4) Setting HRI on and off
- (5) HRI font
- (6) Check character
- (7) Beginning of the bar code data sequence
- (8) End of the bar code data sequence
- (9) Bar code data sequence
- (10) Printing density
- (11) Guard bar expansion
- (12) Start and stop characters
- (13) Bar code rotational angle
- (14) Disabling HRI of the start and stop characters
- (15) Value input mode
- (16) Initializing the bar code mode
- Data processing in the bar code data sequence
- Printing bar codes
- Error processing
- Code 128 subset transition rule
- UPC-E conversion rule
- Calculating the check character
- Other
- Element printing
- Element printing example
- Enlarged character function
- Outline of enlarged character function
- Enlarged character command list
- (1) Executing backspacing
- (2) Executing line feeding
- (3) Executing form feeding
- (4) Executing carriage return
- (5) Initializing the enlarged character mode
- (6) Arrangement of enlarged characters
- (7) Cell expansion for enlarged characters
- (8) All-character set for enlarged characters
- (9) Selecting an enlarged character font
- (10) Height expansion for enlarged characters
- (11) HMI for enlarged characters
- (12) VMI for enlarged characters
- (13) Setting and canceling the enlarged character mode
- (14) Enlarged character cell offset
- (15) Enlarged character pitch
- (16) Enlarged character quality
- (17) Enlarged character rotational angle
- (18) Setting and canceling enlarged character smoothing
- (19) Enlarged character top offset
- (20) Setting and canceling underscores for enlarged characters
- (21) Enlarged character width expansion
- (22) Horizontal printing position for enlarged characters
- (23) Vertical printing position for enlarged characters:
- Enlarged character print samples
- Bar cord function
- Appendix A. Specifications
- Appendix B. Control code summary
- Appendix C. Character sets
- Epson, Italic character set
- Epson, Graphic character set, extended
- International character set (EPSON)
- IBM character set 1
- IBM character set 2
- IBM all character set
- ROMAN-8 Character sets (PCL)
- PC-8 (Danish / Norwegian) Character sets (PCL)
- ECMA-94 Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1) Character sets (PCL)
- LEGAL character sets (PCL)
- MATH 7 character sets (PCL)
- LINE DRAW character sets (PCL)
- International character set [ISO] (PCL)
- Code 00H ~ 7FH (Common)
- Code Page 437 (U.S.A.)
- Code Page 850 (Multilingual)
- Code Page 857 (Turkish)
- Code Page 858 (Multilingual-Euro)
- Code Page 860 (Portuguese)
- Code Page 861 (Icelandic)
- Code Page 863 (Canadian French)
- Code Page 865 (Nordic)
- ISO-1 (ISO-8859-1)
- Appendix D. Reverse control panel sheet