Spin Master Flip Trix User Manual
Instructions, Play preparation, Flip trix™ game play instructions

1. Fasten the foot plate to your shoe with the narrow end outwards toward
your toes (figures 1-2).
2. Thread the cord with winder between your legs (figure 3). Hold the winder
in the hand opposite the side that you fastened Flip Trix™ to your foot.
1. Loosen the cord and extend the distance between foot plate
and ball to 40 cm – 60 cm (16 – 24 inches).
2. Take the ball in your free hand and hold it stretched tight over
your playing foot.
3. Start bouncing the ball firmly towards one side, so that it jumps in an arc
over your foot. Remember that the cord must always be tight (figure 4).
4. Now you are ready to launch the basic momentum. Give the ball a good
bounce as described above and let it rebound back and forth over your foot.
So that momentum is not lost, you must tap your foot at the same time, right
and left and pivot on your heel. The cord should be pulled tightly at all times.
5. Starting from this basic momentum, you can arrange your own play now.
By releasing the cord from the winder, the arc of the bouncing ball becomes
increasingly wider. Attempt to vary the speed of the ball for slow or fast
paced Flip Trix™ action.
Flip Trix™ is a dynamic fast action foot game which lets you flip it, skip it, as
well as do several cool tricks. Show off to your friends with the yoyo flip, below
the foot loop and all the other fun tricks on the tricks DVD.
As soon as you control the basic momentum, your own creativity is demanded!
Flip It is a crazy foot game in which there are no rules and no limits. Play it
alone or with friends. Create your own flip action and show off your new tricks!
Become a super Flip Trix™ champion!
• Flip Trix
foot game (includes: footplate attached
to ball with cord, attached to cord winder).
• Tricks DVD • Carry case
FLIP TRIX TM & © 2004 Joker AG/SA.
© 2004 Spin Master Ltd. All rights reserved. TM Spin Master Ltd.
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Spin Master France SAS, 36 rue de Silly, 92100 Boulogne, France
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