Connections, Speaker level connections – Sunfire True Subwoofer Solitaire 10 User Manual
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Please consider the following when set-
ting up your new system :
• Before making or changing any
connec tions, ALWAYS make sure
that the subwoofer and your other
components are turned OFF. Also
turn down the volume control of the
sub woof er and your pream pli fi er or
• This diagram shows all the low
power com po nents sharing a power
strip which is con nect ed to the same
out let used by the amplifi er.
• The sub woof er is con nect ed to an
out let on the same cir cuit break er,
pro vid ed that the total sys tem
cur rent draw does not exceed the
breaker current rating.
• This arrangement will reduce the
pos si bil i ty of an audible hum in your
system caused by a ground loop.
• Whenever possible, keep the
power cords away from the signal
cables or speaker wires to pre vent
any hum or in ter fer ence being
heard in the speak ers.
• Choose reliable, high quality in ter -
con nect cables, also called patch
cords or RCA cables. They should
be fully shield ed and as short as
pos si ble for the job. The longest
cable in your system will likely be to
the sub woof er, so choose a good
quality brand.
• Some patch cords can be a very
tight fi t and there is usually a
preferred method of getting them
off. Some have to be re moved with
a twisting action. Be gentle or you
may dam age the jacks of the sub-
woof er or your other com po nents.
Speaker Level connections
• The subwoofer’s speaker level
inputs can accept speaker wires
with banana, dual-banana, bare
wire or spade terminals. If you have
banana type con nec tors on your
speaker wire, make sure that you
tighten the binding posts before
• Make sure that the negative
speaker wires never touch the posi-
tive wires as this will short out and
possibly damage your amplifi er or
The subwoofer’s two negative
posts are joined in ter nal ly (com-
mon-ground ed). Your am pli fi er
must also be internally common-
grounded or you cannot use this
connection. Contact the man u fac -
tur er of your amplifi er to make sure
its outputs are common grounded.
Tape Deck
Power strip
AC outlets on the same circuit breaker