Sierra Wireless ACEVIEW 2120028 User Manual
Page 4

Rev 3.0B Feb.08
Figure 0-3: Menu
Figure 0-4: Connection Settings
Address: If you have a modem connected directly to your
computer’s Ethernet port or on your local area network (LAN),
you can use the local IP address of the modem to contact it.
The default local IP address is
Tip: If you have used AceView to connect to a modem in the past, the
connection you used will be available with the drop down menu for
your convenience. Select the IP address you need.
Password: Enter the password for the modem. Default
password: 12345.
DUN ‐ Auto Start: If your modem is connected directly to your
computer with a serial cable, you can use a Dial‐Up
Networking (DUN) connection to connect to the modem using
PPP. Select the DUN connection you have already installed on