X-eq signal flow – Solid State Logic X-EQ User Manual
Page 24

7.1 Serial Mode
In serial (default) filter mode, the input signal is initially
amplified or attenuated using the input gain slider and then
passed to the input meter. It then enters the serial filter chain,
has processing applied, and is then passed to the output stage,
again with level control and metering.
The Band Control section and Interactive EQ graph are both
used to control the band parameters. As the signal leaves the
filter chain, it is also fed to the analyser which derives a
graphical display.
7.2 Parallel Mode
When the Parallel button is engaged, the six bell bands are
arranged in an alternative manner. As in serial mode, the signal
is fed to the input stage, into the high pass filter and then onto
the low shelf filter. The signal is then fed to all six bands
simultaneously, processed and then summed back together.
Finally, again as in the serial mode, the signal is passed to the
high shelf filter, high pass filter and into the output stage.
7. X-EQ Signal Flow