Saitek Game Clock User Manual
Page 5

"Coach's Favorite" - EDIT and MOVES keys
You can select the user mode 4A Coach's Favorite when the clock is
stopped by pressing the Edit and Moves buttons. If the clock is running,
press and hold RESET for three seconds first. First press and hold Edit
and then, while still holding down the Edit button, press and hold Moves
button for two seconds. The user mode 4A will appear on the LCD screen.
3.2 4-Way Control Pad
The 4-way control pad is used to select the
active timer preset mode and to edit the
timer values. The different types of mode
available are: BLITZ, TOURNAMENT,
Pressing the 4-way Control Pad right moves
the menu highlight right, and moving it left
moves the menu highlight left. Default timer
mode on power up is Blitz Mode 1A. As an
example, to get from Blitz Mode 1A to
Tournament Mode 2B, press the 4-way
Control Pad, DOWN 4 times.
Slider Switches
There are two slider switches on the base of your Competition Game
When in the OFF position, all memory contents are preserved (including
current game).
Switching to GO again will wake up the unit and return it to its previous
Switching to SOUND OFF mode will switch off the buzzer. Otherwise the
clock operates normally.
Sliding the switch to LIGHT OFF SOUND OFF position turns the LED
indicators OFF. The sound is also OFF in this position.
The second slider switch can lock the settings and number of moves to
prevent them being modified accidentally during the course of a game.
ACL (All Clear)
There is also a small ACL reset "button" on the base next to the serial
number. Pressing ACL with a paper-clip or similar item will reset all modes
to factory default. This returns you to user mode 1A and clears any
"coach's favourite" you may have set in mode 4A.
Different types of game timing
The Competition Game Clock has three different types of timer mode:
BLITZ - each player has a certain amount of time to complete all his/her
TOURNAMENT - each player has a certain amount of time to complete a
fixed number of moves.
If a player fails to meet the required number of moves in the set time
period, he or she has lost the game. (Note, a player can make more than
the required number of moves within the given time period).
Some Tournament games have more than one "phase" for the players to
complete. The amount of time and number of moves is normally different
from one phase to the next.
The Competition Game Clock allows for up to three different time phases
(called primary, secondary and tertiary).
GAME - there are actually three different modes within the Game
Word - each player has 30 minutes to complete all his/her moves.
However, when a clock reaches zero, it does not stop, but starts to count
The time expired indicator appears on the first side to reach zero. The
clock will be paused by the user at the game end, and the over-time is
used to calculate a score. This mode is used in Word games where a fixed
time is allowed, but extra time used is deducted from the final score.
Stopwatch - the clock simply counts the time taken by each player. (Clock
counts upwards from 0).
5 seconds / move - each player has 5 seconds to complete their move.
Gameclock manual_CZ02_English.qxd 4/11/2006 3:16 PM Page 8