Option guarantee, Information on lundahl i/o transformers – Sound Performance Lab Vox Ranger Graphic Equalizer For The Vocal Range 2718 User Manual

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RackPack: Vox Ranger

As an option, the DynaMaxx RackPack module can be fitted with input
and output transformers from Lundahl. The transformer options can
only be ordered by purchase, a later upgrade is not possible.

Information On Lundahl I/O Transformers

Transformers have a pleasant sound characteristic, especially the low
end sounds rounder and more full-bodied. The top end benefits from a
softer and silky atmosphere without being emphasized.

Further advantages are aspects of improved operational safety: gal-
vanic insulation excludes the transmission of damaging currents.
Electromagnetic, high frequency or digital interferences have no influ-
ence on the signal quality, hum potentials are cancelled out.

From our listening experience we can recommend Lundahl I/O trans-
formers in any case, and their improved operational safety is an advan-
tage that can not be overestimated in any critical or complex studio,
broadcast or sound reinforcement installation.

All SPL products come with a two-year manufacturer’s guarantee
against defects in material or assembly from the date of factory deliv-
ery. Tubes have a guarantee period of 3 months.

End users are supported in the two-year guarantee through their dis-
tributor or dealer. In such cases, please contact your dealer for full
guarantee conditions and service.

Direct SPL product support requires product registration. Please fill
out the guarantee card enclosed in the package legibly in printed let-
ters and send it directly to SPL. Or use the online registration form
that may be reached at (international
clients) or (US clients).

Lundahl Transformers

