System Sensor B501BH User Manual
B501bh sounder base

B501BH Sounder Base
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
Before Installing
Please read the System Smoke Detector Application Guide,
which provides detailed information on sensor spacing.
placement, zoning, wiring. and special applications. Copies
of this manual are available from System Sensor. NFPA 72
and NEMA guidelines should be observed.
NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user
of this equipment.
IMPORTANT: The detector used with this base must be
tested and maintained regularly following NFPA 72 require-
ments. The detector should be cleaned at least once a year.
General Description
The B501BH sounder base is used with System Sensor 200
and 500 Series sensor heads. Refer to the appropriate man-
ual for more information on sensors.
Base Diameter:
6.0 inches (15.2 cm)
Base Height (less sensor):
2.3 inches (5.9 cm)
0.4 lb. (181 gm)
Operating Temperature Range:
32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C)
Operating Humidity Range:
10% to 93% Relative Humidity
Electrical Ratings
External Supply Voltage:
17 to 32 VDC
Standby Current:
1.0 mA maximum
Alarm Current:
15 mA maximum
Maximum Ripple Voltage:
10% of supply voltage
Start-up Capacitance:
200 µF
Communication/Initiating Loop Supply
Current Draw from Remote Output
of Sensor to turn on Horn:
700 µA maximum
Sound Output:
Greater than 90 dBA measured in anechoic room at 10 feet, 24 volts. 85 dBA
minimum measured in UL reverberant room.
The sounder base is intended for use with intelligent sys-
tems. Refer to the panel manual for the maximum allow-
able number of units per loop. The sounder base requires
an external 24VDC supply with reverse polarity capability.
The connections for the external supply (terminals 1 and 2)
and the communication loop (terminals 3 and 4) are iso-
lated to prevent electrical interaction between them.
When the sensor’s visible LEDs are latched on for approx-
imately 10 seconds, the associated horn sounds. A loop of
horns can be made to sound by reversing the polarity of the
external supply.
NOTE: When not used as a supplementary evacuation sys-
tem, the external 24 VDC supply shall be treated as
a component of the main power supply system and
shall fall under the requirements of the main
power supply system per NFPA 72.