Independent software vendors – Sun Microsystems Portal Server 6 User Manual
Page 125

Content and Design Implementation
Chapter 5
Creating Your Portal Design
. Pluggable web component that processes requests and generates
content within the context of a portal. In Portal Server software, a portlet is
managed by the Portlet Container. Conceptually, a portlet is equivalent to a
Portal application
. Launched from a channel in its own browser window; the
Portal Server hosts the application; an example is NetMail; created as an Access
Manager service; accesses Portal and Access Manager APIs.
Third-party application
. Hosted separately from Portal Server, but accessed
from Portal Server; URL Scraper, which calls Rewriter, rewrites web pages so
that the web pages can be displayed in a channel; uses Access Manager to
enable single sign-on.
Independent Software Vendors
Listed below are some types of independent software vendor (ISV) integrations.
Application user interface
. This integration uses the provider API and SRA for
secure access. (SRA is not an integration type on its own.) Examples include
FatWire, Interwoven, SAP, Tarantella, Documentum, Vignette, PeopleSoft,
Siebel, Citrix, and YellowBrix.
Security products
. This integration uses the Access Manager Login API to
enable portal access by using a custom authentication scheme. Examples
include RSA.
Content Management
. This integration provides data access into Portal Server,
enabling searches on the data. Examples include FatWire, Interwoven, and
Content Syndication
. This integration provides managing and customizing
information that appears on websites. Examples include YellowBrix and
Collaboration software
. This integration enables Sun Java System Instant
Messaging product to move a collaboration session from one forum to a
another. Examples include WebEx, BeNotified, and Lotus.
. This integration focuses on billing, performance measurement,
and diagnostics, for which you rely on log files (or Access Manager’s Logging
API) and traffic snooping. Examples include Mercury Interactive, Hyperion,
and Informatica.