Operation – SPX Cooling Technologies Fluid Cooler Marley MC User Manual

Page 12

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Fluid Cooler Start-Up

Among other sources, outbreaks of Legionnaires’ Disease have report-
edly been traced to cooling towers and fluid coolers. Maintenance and
water treatment procedures that prevent amplification and dissemina-
tion of Legionella and other airborne bacteria should be formulated
and implemented BEFORE systems are operated and continued
regularly thereafter to avoid the risk of sickness or death.

Water System:

1. New installations should be cleaned and treated with biocides by a

water treatment expert before startup.

2. Remove any and all accumulated debris from fluid cooler. Pay par-

ticular attention to inside areas of collection water basin, distribution
water basins and drift eliminators. Make sure that redistribution pump
suction screens are clear and properly installed.

3. Fill the water system to an approximate depth of 13" in the depressed

area of the collection water basin. This is the recommended operating
water level. Adjust the float valve so that it is 75% open at that level.
Continue filling the system until the water reaches a level approximately




below the lip of the overflow.

4. Start your pump(s) and check for proper rotation as indicated by the

arrow on the pump cover, observe system operation. A certain amount
of “pump-down” of the basin water level will occur before water com-
pletes the circuit and begins to fall from the upper module. The amount
of initial pump-down may be insufficient to cause the float valve to
open. However, you can check its operation by pressing down on the
operating lever to which the stem of the float valve is attached.

Some trial and error adjustment of the float valve may be required to

balance the makeup water with tower operation. Ideally, the float valve
setting will be such that no water is wasted through the overflow at
pump shutdown. However, the water level after pump start-up


be deep enough to assure positive pump suction.

5. Open the valve on the tower bleed line and adjust bleed to the recom-

mended rate. See Water Treatment section on page 18.

6. Continue pump operation for about 15 minutes, after which it is rec-

ommended that the water system be drained, flushed and refilled.

7. While operating the recirculating water pump(s) and prior to operating

