End user license agreement – Sirius Satellite Radio SLH2 User Manual

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End User License Agreement

end USeR lICenSe agReemenT (eUla)

This End User License Agreement (this "EULA") sets forth the agreement between you and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (“Sirius”)

for the use of the software in Stiletto Sirius satellite radio receivers (the “Receiver Software”), the My Sirius Studio computer

software, and SIRIUS Device Recovery computer software (the "Computer Software" and, together with the Receiver Software,

the “Software”) and their use with Stiletto Series Sirius satellite radio receiver and accessories (the “Receiver”) and Sirius’ satellite

radio service (the "Sirius Service").

In addition, for your use of the Sirius Service, you agree to be bound by the “Terms & Conditions of Service” set forth at: http:// (the “Terms and Conditions”).

yoU aCKnoWledge and agRee THaT yoU HaVe Read and UndeRSTand THIS eUla by USIng THe

ReCeIVeR and THe ReCeIVeR SofTWaRe, ClICKIng on THe "aCCePT" bUTTon To InSTall THe ComPUTeR

SofTWaRe, and/oR InSTallIng, CoPyIng oR oTHeRWISe USIng THe ComPUTeR SofTWaRe, yoU agRee

To be boUnd by THe TeRmS of THIS eUla If yoU do noT agRee To THe TeRmS of THIS eUla, ClICK on

THe "CanCel" bUTTon If yoU aRe InSTallIng THe ComPUTeR SofTWaRe So THaT IT IS noT InSTalled,

and do noT USe THe ReCeeIVeR

1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Sirius hereby grants to you a non-exclusive, limited, license to use the Software and any related

documentation (the "Documentation"). You may: (a) use the Receiver Software in object code form only as fully integrated into

the Receiver in order to operate the Receiver for its usual purpose, (b) use the Computer Software simultaneously on up to three

computers and (c) copy the Computer Software for back-up and archival purposes; provided that any copy must contain all of

the original Software's proprietary notices. Sirius, its partners and suppliers, including without limitation, Microsoft Corporation

(“Microsoft”), Dell Products, LP, (f/k/a, ZING Systems, Inc.) on behalf of itself, Dell Inc. and each of the affiliates and subsidiaries

of Dell Inc. (“ZING”), and their respective partners and suppliers, retain all rights not expressly granted herein, including without

limitation, all world-wide patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret and other proprietary rights associated with the Software. You

agree that Sirius’ partners and suppliers (including Microsoft and ZING) are third party beneficiaries of this EULA and may enforce

your performance of its terms. This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution of

such technology outside of this product is prohibited without a license from Microsoft.

2. LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. (a) You must be at least 18 years old to assume the obligations set forth in this EULA. Minors may

use the Software and the Documentation only if a parent or legal guardian assumes the obligations set forth in this EULA and

thereby assumes full responsibility for the minor’s use of the Software and the Documentation.

(b) You may not: (i) permit other individuals to use the Computer Software; (ii) modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile,

extract source code from, disassemble (except to the extent that this restriction is expressly prohibited by law), reproduce, or

create derivative works based upon the Software or the Documentation; (iii) copy the Software or the Documentation (except as

permitted by Section 1(c)); (iv) rent, lease, publicly display, transfer, or otherwise transfer rights to the Software or the Documenta-

tion and/or (v) remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Software or the Documentation. Any violations of this Section 2(b)

will immediately terminate your license to the Software and the Documentation.

(c) You may use the Software and the Documentation only in a manner that complies with all applicable laws in the jurisdictions in

which you use the Software and the Documentation, including without limitation, applicable restrictions concerning copyright and

other intellectual property rights.

(d) You may use the Software only for your private, non-commercial use. You may not use the Software in any way to provide, or

as part of, any commercial service or application. Copies of content files, including without limitation songs and other audio record-

ings, which are stored and/or transferred using the Software, and which are protected by the copyright laws or related laws of any

jurisdiction, are for your own personal use only and you may not publicly perform them or distribute them to third parties.

(e) By storing content on the Receiver, you are making a digital copy. You may not use the Receiver or the Software in an attempt

to, or in conjunction with, any device, program or service designed to circumvent technological measures employed to control