Schumacher PSI-2000 User Manual

Page 3

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fASTenIng THe PSI-2000 To A flAT SUrfACe

For convenience, the PSI-2000 can be

fastened to a flat surface, horizontally or

vertically. The area where the inverter

is to be fastened must be dry, well ven-

tilated and away from any combustible

products or fumes.
1. Turn off the PSI-2000.
2. Place the back of the PSI-2000

with the mounting bracket against

a secure and flat surface.

3. Attach the inverter to the flat surface

using corrosion resistant screws.

InVerTer feATUreS:

A. ON/OFF Rocker Switch – Turns

inverter on and off.

B. LED Indicator Light – (Green = power

ON, Red = Overload, interruption in


C. Two, 110V GFCI AC Outlets
D. Two Pairs, 12-Volt Power Cords
E. Two, High Speed Cooling Fans –

keeps inverter cool. The speed

of the fan is faster as the load

increases. Fan does not run when

inverter turned off.

F. Analogic Output Power Display -

shows 110V AC continuous power


G. Two, Positive Batter y Cable

Terminals (Red) – accepts positive

connector cable.

H. Two, Negative Battery Cable

Terminals (Black) – accepts negative

connector cable.

I. Ground Terminal – grounds inverter

to reduce electrical shock.


groUnDIng THe PSI-2000

To avoid electrical shock, it is neces-

sary to ground the PSI-2000 Inverter

as well as the device powering it. The

inverter should be grounded using #8

AWG copper wire (not included).
noTe: Do not turn on the inverter or the

power source until the inverter and the

power source are grounded.
1. Turn off the PSI-2000.
2. Locate the chassis ground screw

underneath the negative terminal on

the left side of the inverter. Unscrew

the two hex nuts and one washer.

3. Strip the insulation of the wire back

1.5 inches and in between the two

washers, wrap the bare end of the

#8 AWG copper wires around the

threaded screw extension.

4. Holding the wire in place, screw

the hex nut on the threaded screw

extension and then screw on the

last hex nut to secure the wire


5. Using the other washer and hex nut,

secure the opposite end of the wire

and attach it appropriately so the

inverter is grounded correctly.

a. Vehicle – connect to the chassis

or unpainted frame part or engine

block of vehicle.

b. Boat – connect to boat grounding


c. Fixed location – connect to a

ground rod or other appropriately

rated ground.