Top-notch lenses – Sinar Rolleiflex 6008 Integral User Manual
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Top-notch Lenses
Only the best lenses are good enough for a profes-
sional camera system.
For your Rolleiflex 6008 AF and Rolleiflex 6008 Integral
you may choose between lenses from ultra-wide-angle,
wide-angle and standard lenses to telephoto, zoom
and several special-purposes lenses. All of them cut-
ting-edge products made by Carl Zeiss and Schneider-
Kreuznach, the world-famous specialists for medium-
format optics. All of them with Rollei HFT coating (High
Fidelity Transfer) for optimum flare suppression and bril-
liant colors.
Our PQ (Professional Quality) and PQS lenses, the latter
with a top shutter speed of 1/1000 s, are the result of
advanced optical design techniques, innovative technol-
ogy and permanent optimization. All of them use the
unique Rollei Direct-Drive technology: The diaphragm
and shutter blades in the lens are driven by two linear
motors and very precisely controlled and monitored in
1/3 increments by the camera’s microcomputer. Control
pulses and power are transmitted from the camera to
the lens via ten gold-plated contacts – without friction,
free from wear and with high speed. As soon as the
lens is in place on the camera, all important informa-
tion is immediately transferred to the camera. In other
words, you are instantly ready to shoot.
PQ and PQS lenses by Franke & Heidecke, Carl Zeiss
and Schneider-Kreuznach are in a class of their own.
They are the ideal combination of between-the-lens
and focal-plane shutter technology, offering both wide
apertures and fast top shutter speeds that are fully syn-
chronized. Their outstanding features are optimum
sharpness, color rendition and brilliance as well as reli-
ability and high operating speed.
A combination of proper lens curvatures and suitable
glass types are your guarantee that the Rollei line of
lenses are optimally corrected for aberrations for sharp
and brilliant pictures. Carl Zeiss, Schneider-Kreuznach
and Franke & Heidecke use advanced glass types, some
of which with particularly high refractive indices.
A lens consists of several elements, some of which may
be combined in components. These are axially shifted
for focusing and zooming, sometimes even in opposite
directions. All these motions have to be very precise in
order not to degrade the high performance of the
lenses over their entire focusing and zooming ranges.
Precise manufacturing techniques and high-quality
materials make sure that the tight tolerances are met
even after many years of use.
Anti-reflection coating
Lenses for Rollei cameras are HFT coated (High Fidelity
Transfer). The coating consists of special ultra-thin films
evaporated on the lens surfaces. The result is a notice-
able reduction in the amount of light reflected from the
lens elements and thus less contrast-degrading flare.
Also, light transmission is increased, allowing full use to
be made of lens speed.
As a user of a Series 6000 Rolleiflex SLR, you have a
right to expect edge-to-edge sharpness in your pictures.
Reason enough for the manufacturers of these lenses to
place special emphasis on the exact centration of their
optical components.
Schneider AF-Xenotar 2.8/80 mm HFT PQS
The classical standard focal length for fast general-
purpose AF shooting in almost all areas of photography.
Its legendary sharpness is complemented by a super-
fast 1/1000 s for fast-moving subjects or when using
high-speed film.
Cat. No. 711.81.014
Schneider AF-Super-Angulon 2.8/50 mm HFT PQS
With its high speed of f/.8, this high-performance
wide-angle lens offers a very bright viewfinder image.
It is particularly versatile for indoor photography with
available light.
Cat. No. 711.81.012
Schneider AF-Longar Converter 1.4x HFT
High-quality teleconverter extending the focal length of
Rollei AF lenses 1.4x. Aperture values change by only
one f-stop. The AF-Tele-Xenar 180 mm f/.8 thus
becomes a high-speed 50 mm f/4. No change in mini-
mum focusing distance!
Cat. No. 711.61.044