Stiga PARK COMPACT 13 User Manual
Park, Park compact 13,5 hst

August 24, 2005
Park Compact 13,5 HST
A ride-on lawnmower with front-mounted deck and genuine artic-
ulated steering. The lawnmower is design to be compact and sat-
isfy your craving for a low price
The front mounted deck lets you see what you are cutting and the
genuine articulated steering offers unsurpassed manoeuvrability.
The Multiclip system cuts and fertilises at the same time and also
makes the machine quieter. You don´t need to rake or emptying a
The ride-on lawnmower is well equipped. Features are for exam-
ple; foot-controlled attachment lift, adjustable comfort-seat and
steering wheel, headlight. Cutting decks are available with a unique
system for easy cleaning. The decks have different cutting widths
(92 and 107 cm).
Equipped with an environment friendly and quiet engine.