Bassy demo scenes to die for. s – SV Sound PC-Ultra User Manual

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SV Subwoofers

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Bassy demo scenes to die for.


o now what?? You’ve got one of the best theater and music bass sub-

systems on the planet, you’re calibrated...want to see what she’ll do?
But of course! Since finding those scenes can be a bit trying, we’ve
compiled a list of our old favorites below. After all, calibration with test
tones is important, but it’s movies and music this sub is itching to show
off. Chapter stops for DVDs are shown, with movie time in hours: min-
utes: seconds. What are you waiting for? Just hit PLAY!

“The Iron Giant” Great family animation with SERIOUS bass,

including strong peaks below 25 Hz. Jump to:


“Chase thru the forest” Scene 8 (20:00 into the movie)


“Robot Landing” (Train Impact) Scene 10 (25:40)

3. “Green Boo524.3(s)eena9.48(cen)-39.1(e 2)8.5(7)-15.3( ()-15.6(1)8.5(:24.3(s)1)-15.3(1)8.5(:24.3(s)4)-15.3(0)-15.3())]TJ/TT17 1 Tf14.0476 0 TD0 Tc0 Tw( )Tj/TT3 1 Tf-19.4048 -1.7857 TD-0.0076 Tc<00780003>Tj/TT9 1 Tf1.7857 0 TD0 Tc(“)Tj/TT17 1 Tf0.4286 0 TD-0.0002 Tc0.0121 Tw[(An)8.3(t)-8.1(z)8(” )]TJ/TT9 1 Tf2.9048 0 TD-0.0237 Tc0.0356 Tw[(A)8(n)-47.5(ot)-7.8(h)-47.5(e)15.4(r)-47.(eeg)-23.7(ood)-23.7( fa)-32.2(m)-31.6(i)-7.8(l)-31.6(y)23.9( m)-31.6(o)-23.7(vi)-31.6(e)-8.4(,)-35.6( t)-7.8(h)-47.5(ou)-23.7(gh)-47.5( )23.8(n)-47.5(o)0.1(t)-7.8( p)-23.7(e)-8.4(r)-24(h)-23.7(a)-32.2(p)-23.7(s)8.3( for)-47.(ee)23.8(s)-15.5(m)-31.6(a)-32.2(l)-7.8(l)-31.6( )]TJ-3.3333 -1.1667 TD0 Tc0.0119 Tw[(c)15.3(h)-23.8(i)15.9(l)-7.9(d)23.8(r)-24.1(e)39.1(n)-23.8(.)11.9( e)23.8(E)-8.2(x)0(t)15.9(r)-24.1(e)39.1(m)-7.9(e)15.3(l)-7.9(y)47.6( l)-7.9(o)23.8(ud b)23.8(a)-8.5(s)8.2(s)8.2( a)-8.5(b)23.8(ove)15.3( 30 H)31.7(z)-8.5(.)-11.9( )23.8( )]TJ/TT17 1 Tf18.119 0 TD0 Tw( )Tj/TT9 1 Tf-16.3333 -1.7381 TD-0.0153 Tc0.0272 Tw[(“T)-23.5(er)-15.6(r)-39.4(o)8.5(r)-15.6( f)8.2(r)-39.4(o)8.5(524.3(s) A)-7.4(b)8.5(o)8.5(v)-15.3(e)-39.4(e,)-27.2(na9.48(cen)-39.1(e 1)-15.3(7)8.5( ()-15.6(5)-15.3(1)8.5(:24.3(s)4)-15.3(8)-15.3())-15.6( )]TJ/TT3 1 Tf-3.5714 -1.7857 TD-0.0076 Tc0 Tw<00780003>Tj/TT17 1 Tf1.7857 0 TD0 Tc0.0119 Tw[(“T)-8.2(h)8.5(e)15.3( M)8.2(a)0(t)-7.9(r)8.2(i)15.9(x” )23.8( )]TJ/TT9 1 Tf6.1667 0 TD-0.015 Tc0.0269 Tw[(M9.48(o)8.8(d)-15(e)0.3(r)-15.3(n)-15e,)-26.9( v)8.8(i)-22.9(o)8.8(l)-22.9(en)-38.8(t, s)-6.8(c)0.3(i)-22.9(e)0.3(n)-38.8(ce f)8.5(i)-22.9(ct)-22.9(i)-22.9(o)8.8(n)-15e cl)-22.9(a)-23.5(s)-6.8(s)-6.8(i)-22.9(c w)16.7(i)-22.9(th)-15( )23.8(p)-15(l)-22.9(en)-15(t)-22.9(y)32.6( )]TJ-6.1667 -1.1667 TD-0.0082 Tc0.0201 Tw[(o)-8.2(f)15.3( sh)-32(o)15.6(o)15.6(t)-16.1(-)-8.5(’)-8.5(e)7.1(m)-16.1(-)-8.5(u)-8.2(p)-8.2( b)15.6(a)-16.7(ss b)15.6(l)-16.1(a)-16.7(s)0(t)-16.1(s)23.8(.)-20.1( )23.8( H)23.5(e)7.1(r)-32.3(e)7.1(’)-8.5(s)0( so)15.6(m)-16.1(e)7.1( su)-8.2(b)15.6(t)-16.1(l)-16.1(e)7.1( a)7.1(n)-32(d)-8.2( )23.8(n)-32(o)15.6(t)7.7( so)15.6( su)-8.2(b)15.6(t)-16.1(l)-16.1(e)7.1(.)]TJ/TT17 1 Tf26.4286 0 TD0 Tc0 Tw( )Tj/TT9 1 Tf-24.6429 -1.7381 TD-0.0149 Tc0.0268 Tw[(1)-14.9(.)-3( )-785.7(“Wh)-38.7(er)-39(e w)16.8(e)0.4( ar)-39(e g)8.9(r)-39(o)8.9(w)16.8(n)-38.7()-39.44(,na9.44(cen)-38.7(e 1)8.9(2)-14.9( ()-15.s)42:55)

2. “Landing in fight”, Scene 15 (50:51)

3. “Chopper shootout”, Scene 31 (1:47:15)

“Das Boot” Arguably one of the most compelling war pictures of