Simaudio N HT's Xd User Manual

Page 9

background image

two XdS satellites and two XdW

powered bipole subwoofers. The

XdA’s equalization and filter para-

meters are held in nonvolatile mem-

ory, and can be updated via a USB

link using a Windows XP program

(provided you have Microsoft’s

.NET extension installed).

The three filters NHT sent me


1) “flatterhighend.flt”—similar to the

original filter set, but, according to

Jay Doherty’s enclosed notes, “Flat-

ter above 10kHz; crossover point

between tweeter and midwoofer

moved up a hair (to 2.4kHz from

2.3kHz) to increase power handling;

reversed sub phase to try for better

sub/satellite integration”;

2) “150Hzcrossover.flt”—intended

for dual subwoofer use; keeps the

inverted subwoofer phase but moves

the crossover between the satellite

and subs from 110Hz to 150Hz to

enable the system to play louder; and

3) “150Hzxovereqto20Hz.flt”—

equalizes the subwoofers to be –3dB

at 20Hz instead of 26Hz.

There will be more filters to

come. According to Doherty, “We

are working on a linear-phase filter

to use between the satellite and sub-

woofer. LP filters require firmware

changes that we should be able to

implement by the time the first

room EQ software package is com-

plete. However, this will increase

total system processing time to about

18ms (from 7ms), so it might not be

usable with video.”

Kal had used only a single XdW

subwoofer, but as I intended to try

the filter sets with the higher cross-

over frequency, I asked NHT to send

me a second subwoofer. This increas-

es the system price to $7200.

Sound: As KR had described, set-

ting up the Xd system was quick and

easy. Unlike Kal, I had no ground-

loop problems, but this may have

been due to the fact that I used bal-

anced connections.

Preamp was first the Mark Levin-

son No.326S, connected to the

NHT XdA power amplifier with 15'

runs of Madrigal interconnects; then

an NHT Passive Volume Control,

connected with 6' runs of Canare

interconnects (the only balanced

cables I had with the necessary TRS

connectors). Digital source was

either a Mark Levinson No.31.5 CD

transport or a Technics DVD-A10

DVD player, hooked up to my ML

No.30.6 D/A processor via Kimber

Kable Orchid AES/EBU or Audio-

Quest SVD-4 S/PDIF datalinks,

respectively. The No.30.6 was con-

nected to the preamp with balanced

1m lengths of AudioQuest Cheetah.

I also used an Olive Symphony

media server to play back uncom-

pressed 16-bit AIF files via a TosLink

connection to the Levinson DAC,

and an Ayre C-5xe universal player

connected to the preamps with 15'

lengths of balanced Crystal intercon-


When he’d first set up the Xd, Kal

had remarked on a lack of integra-

tion between the satellites and sub-

woofer: “I measured an in-room

response that dipped several dB in

the upper-bass range centered on

130Hz. This detracted from the gen-

eral impression of weight, warmth,

and richness of sound. While the

crossover slope between the XdS and

XdW may be a very steep

48dB/octave at 110Hz, there is still

significant signal overlap between

the woofer and satellites; the posi-

tioning of the woofer is important. A

lower frequency, of course, would

compromise the power-handling

limits of the XdS’s 5.25" driver. I

found that moving the XdW for-

ward so that it was the same distance

from the listener as the satellites

filled in the integrated response, as

confirmed by instrument and ear.”

With first one subwoofer, then

two, and using the same filter set Kal

had used, I couldn’t eliminate the

upper-bass discontinuity no matter

how I experimented with subwoofer

positioning. The bass region was rich

and deep, but didn’t integrate suffi-

ciently well with the satellites. In

addition, while midrange tonalities

were reproduced with a delightful

lack of coloration, there was a some-

what reticent quality to the highest

frequencies. Whether or not these

problems bothered me was very

dependent on the music played.

I have written before about how

the choice of playback equipment

can change the choice of music

played. The discontinuity between

the satellites and subwoofers was

more audible with rock music, with

its ubiquitous four-in-the-bar kick

drum, than it was with classical

recordings. For the three weeks I

used the Xd system with the original

crossover filters, I found myself play-

ing a lot more symphonies and con-

certos than I had done with other

speakers that have recently occupied

my listening room.

The Xd’s extended low frequen-

cies were a much-appreciated benefit

with this kind of music, and the sys-

tem’s somewhat veiled highs were

much less of an impediment to musi-

cal enjoyment. I dug out discs that I

hadn’t played much, such as Michael

Tilson Thomas’ reading of Mahler’s

Symphony 3 (SACD, San Francisco

Symphony 821936-0003-2) and Seiji

Ozawa’s of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony

6 (SACD, Pentatone PTC 5186 107).

The double basses in the former’s

final movement had glorious weight

through the Xd system, though I

found the system’s midrange resolu-

tion very revealing of the wayward

intonation of the occasional sus-

tained brass chord in the latter. But

when I played Eric Johnson’s “Desert

Rose,” from Live from Austin TX (CD,

New West NW6084, recorded for

the Austin City Limits TV program),

the low bass just grumbled along

with the higher frequencies.

There was also something I

noticed with the toneburst track on

my Editor’s Choice compilation (CD,

Stereophile STPH016-2). This track

comprises equal-length tonebursts

that move from 32Hz up to 3.2kHz

in half steps, then back down again. I

created this signal to investigate

room and speaker-cabinet resonant

problems, but when I played it over

the Xd system, I was puzzled to hear

what sounded like very faint

“ghosts” accompanying the sinewave

bursts, almost but not entirely like

modulation noise. A puzzle, though

I did wonder if this phenomenon

had something to do with the veiling

I had noticed on music.

Time to install the new filter set. I

began with “flatterhighend.flt,” but

then changed to

“150Hzcrossover.flt” because the sys-

tem was still having difficulty han-

dling music with extreme amounts

of upper-bass energy. Stanley

Clarke’s double-bass solo on Airto

Moreira’s “Nevermind,” from our

Test CD 3 (Stereophile STPH006-2),

managed to shut down the left-chan-

nel satellite-woofer amplifier at the

volume I was finding appropriate for

the music. (The image lurched to the

right and a red light came illuminat-, January 2006

F O L L O W - U P