Operation, Plugging in your ipod, It’s just like the cd changer – Saab 9600 User Manual

Page 9: Audio system button functions with audiotroll, Preparing your ipod for use with audiotroll

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Plugging in your iPod

AudioTroll has TWO wires for the iPod. The one with the green connector carries audio signals, the other carries serial
data and 12-volts DC power to charge the iPod. Make sure you have both connected before attempting to use
AudioTroll. You may ask why there are two wires and the answer is simply that a Saab is a very noisy place from an
electrical interference standpoint and carrying audio, power and data over the same wire made a lot of strange sounds in
early testing during development. It’s all about the music.

It’s just like the CD Changer!

When you activate AudioTroll for the first time by pressing your CD button twice, you will find a very transparent user
interface that is intuitive and slick.

Audio System Button Functions with AudioTroll:

AudioTroll Function


Steering Wheel Button (if

Access Playlists 1-5 defined in iTunes Preset 1-5


Access Entire Library

Preset 6


Select Tracks

Seek >> / Seek <<

Seek >> and Seek <<

Reset iPod connection (9-5 Only!)

Center SEEK (hold down)


Shuffle Mode

Preset 6 then hold CD


Recall Title



Preparing your iPod for use with AudioTroll

AudioTroll is a playlist-centric device given the hardware limitations of the Saab Audio System. For the greatest ease of
use, GES recommends defining playlists in iTunes numbered 1-5 and putting songs that you’d want to hear in them.
These playlists can be “Smart Playlists” as well, which can be programmed to automatically select music based on vari-
ous criteria.

Granite Embedded Systems

AudioTroll 9400/9600 Operation + Installation Manual

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