SanDisk NAND User Manual
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iNAND is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. SD, microSD, microSDHC, miniSDHC are trademarks. Memory Stick Micro M2
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©2008 SanDisk Corporation. All rights reserved. 1/08 80-11-01500
With stacking capabilities that al-
low for capacities of up to 12GB* in
microSDHC and Memory Stick Micro
M2, SanDisk cards enable handsets to
become increasingly functional, sleek
and fl exible in design support.
Design in More Embedded Flash Drives
The SanDisk family of fi eld-proven
high-capacity EFDs delivers high per-
formance, reliability and low power
consumption to advanced multimedia
handsets. Count on SanDisk ad-
vanced, MLC NAND fl ash technology
for cost-effective data and code storage. Depend on
our internal fl ash controller and embedded fi rmware
to make storage more reliable and ease the transi-
tion to new fl ash technologies.
SanDisk fl ash management software
is embedded inside SanDisk EFDs,
enabling them to emulate a standard
hard disk drive and serve as a boot
device, while ensuring MLC NAND
reliability. Robust fl ash error detection
and correction, automated bad block management
and advanced wear-leveling algorithms deliver de-
vice reliability, endurance and data retention.
The SanDisk family of EFDs comes in
a range of capacities and confi gura-
tions, including high-capacity, discrete
MLC NAND fl ash and multi-chip pack-
ages (MCPs) with low-power DRAM
and single-level cell (SLC) NAND fl ash.
They support seamless migration to future designs,
and scalable storage of up to 16GB.
* 1 gigabyte (GB) = 1 billion bytes; 1 megabyte (MB) = 1 million bytes; speed based on internal testing; performance may be
lower depending on host device. Some capacity not available for data storage.
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2008 01 28 13:58:14
2008 01 28 13:58:14