Steiner Optik Steiner Nighthunter XP User Manual
Page 12

Adjusting the binocular to your individual preferences
begins by setting the interpupilary distance. This is the
distance between the pupils of your eyes. The binocular
tubes pivot on a hinge, moving the tubes closer or further
apart. Pivot the binocular tubes until you see a single
image when looking through the binocular.
In case you have good vision and don't require vision aids
such as glasses, your binocular is ready to use. You only
need to make sure the diopter setting on the left ocular is
on zero.
With their ergonomic eyecups all STEINER XP binoculars
are perfectly suited for eyeglass wearers as well. Simply
twist down the eyecups and turn down the sidelight
screens - no further calibration with the diopter setting is
required. In case you need glasses and prefer using your
binocular without wearing them you need to calibrate the
binocular to your individual eye sight.
1.) Choose an object like a tree or a house at least 100
yards away while you have good light conditions.
2.) Cover the left objective with the Lens Cap and look
through the binoculars with both eyes open.
3.) Turn the center focus wheel to make the image
appear clear and sharp.
4.) Now cover the other objective (right side) and look
through the binoculars with both eyes open.
5.) Turn the diopter setting wheel on your left ocular until
the image appears clear and sharp.
6.) Your binoculars are now individually calibrated to your
eyes and ready for use.
With both eyes open
you can now use the fo-
cus wheel to focus the
binoculars for different
Your STEINERs are equipped with newly designed, ergono-
mic eyecups. They play an important part in creating this
unique viewing experience you will have will all XP models.
As twist-up / twist-down eyecups they easily adapt to your
individual preferences, whether you wear glasses or not.
Eyeglass wearers. Wearing glasses you have already
created the necessary distance between the binoculars'
oculars and your eyes. Contrary to users without glasses (or
with contact lenses) you usually don't need to artificially
create this distance and you can use your binoculars with
both eyecups fully retracted. To retract the eyecups simply
use your thumb and index finger to twist them in the
direction indicated by the arrows. Then fold down the side-
light screen. When looking through your binoculars you
can put your glasses directly onto the eyecups - the soft
silicone material prevents scratching.
Different models of eye glasses might vary the distance
between the eye and the lens and it's possible that your
eyes are too close to the ocular. You will see some black
areas when looking through the binoculars. You need to
increase the distance by slightly moving the eyecup
(usually just a few Millimeters) until you see a clear image.
Wearing contact lenses or no eye glasses. You need
to create a distance between your eyes and the binoculars'
ocular lenses. Use the binoculars only with deployed eye-
cups. On both sides you will also find small screens that
prevent sidelight to enter and increase image clarity.
To turn the eyecups simply use your thumb and index fin-
ger and twist the eyecups down in the direction indicated
by the arrows. To twist them up, turn them in the other
direction until you can feel the noticeable stop limit - after
that you will only be able to minimally turn the eyecup.
This play is necessary to
adjust the sidelight screen
for different users' inter-
pupilary distances.
Do not force the diopter
wheel or the diopter setting
beyond the noticeable stop
limits. This could severely
damage your binoculars.
i m p o r t a n t !
Never turn the eyecups
with force beyond the noti-
ceable stop limits. This can
cause internal damage.
i m p o r t a n t !