Specialized Turbo Pro 23A User Manual

Page 8

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until “ALTI” appears. Note:
if your display says
“ALTIÒ” or “%GRD”, press
the “SET” button to change
to “ALTI”. Then press the
“SET” button for three sec-
onds. The first altitude digit
will begin flashing. Press
the “MODE” button until
the desired number
appears. Press the “SET”
button once to set this num-
ber and advance to the
next. Repeat this process
until you have entered the
desired altitude. Press the
“SET” button to exit pro-
gramming mode.


Altitude will be dis-

played in feet when speed
is measured in miles per
hour and in meters when
speed is measure in kilo-
meters per hour.

9. Altitude Climbed
The Altitude Climbed func-
tion on your Turbo® Pro
calculates the total altitude
gained during your ride.
Descended altitude is not
counted. To reset the
Altitude Climbed to zero,

press and hold the “SET”
button for three seconds.

10. Distance Countdown
Your Turbo® Pro is
equipped with Distance
Countdown feature. This
allows you to set an alarm
when the selected mileage
is reached. To enter the
Distance Countdown mode,
press the “MODE” button
repeatedly until “DISTÚ”
appears in the Dot-matrix
Display Area. Note: if your
display says “INT, press the
“SET” button to change to
“DISTÚ” To set the Distance
Countdown, hold the “SET”
button for three seconds.
The hour digit will begin
flashing. Press the
“MODE” Button until the
desired number appears.
(Hold down the “Mode”
button to scroll quickly)
Press the “SET” button once
to set this number and
advance to minutes. Repeat
this process until minutes
and seconds are set to the
desired settings. Press the
“SET” button to exit pro-


programmed, press the
“TOP” button to start/stop
the countdown. (See fig-
ure 15). Note: The shortest
interval that can be set is 5
seconds. The backlight
function is disabled when
the interval timer is run-

8. Altimeter (ALTI)
Your Turbo® Pro contains
an extremely accurate
altimeter that is capable of
recording changes in alti-
tude in increments as small
as three feet (one meter).
This altimeter calculates
altitude by precisely meas-
uring barometric pressure.
Due to normal changes in
barometric pressure, you
may need to recalibrate
your Turbo® Pro on a
daily basis. You should be
able to find the altitude
where you live on a topo-
graphical map or by con-
tacting a nearby airport.

Altimeter Calibration
To calibrate your altimeter,
press the “MODE” button


gramming mode. Once
the time interval timer is
programmed, press the
“TOP” button to stop and
start the Distance
Countdown. The backlight
function is disabled when
the Distance Countdown is

The shortest distance

that can be set is .01


Speedometer (SPEED)-
Your current speed is always
displayed in large digits on
the top line of the LCD
screen. The speed is dis-
played up to 99.9 M/h
(99.9 Km/h) with a resolu-
tion of 0.1 M/h (0.1 Km/h)

Average Speed (AVSPD)-
The Average Speed is
shown on the lower line
Digital Display Area up to
99.9 M/h (99.9 Km/h)
with a resolution of 0.1
M/h (0.1 Km/h)
The average speed is
based upon the ATM time.