Star Micronics IFBD-HW03/04 User Manual
Page 25

IFBD-HW03/04 Product Specifications Rev. 0.00 Secure Communications (SSL) Printing Function Specifications
This product is incorporated with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for printing in secure communications
(SSL). HTTP is mounted on the upper application of SSL to enable encrypted communications.
Encrypted communication is used in sending and receiving IPP printing and settings information to
the Web browser.
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.
Basic Specifications
Protocol: SSL
TCP port number:
Public key algorithm:
RSA (Key bit length: Fixed to 512 bits)
Encryption method/Key length: DES-40
Hash Method:
Server authentication
Identification using self-naming ID.
Secure communication (SSL) printing functions are not enabled in the default settings at the time of
shipping. Initially, create an ID from the product Web page. When SSL communications are started,
server authentication is performed in a hand-shake method for identification. At that time, the
exchange of information of the public key encryption necessary for the client and the encryption
method are determined. The client uses this public key to encrypt print data, but only the print server
that issued that ID can decrypt this data.
It is possible to set an effective time period for these IDs so that printing is no longer possible after that
period has expired. This can be used by applying a printer usage time limit. After the time limit has
expired, it is possible to create a new ID again, and to print using this new ID. Because this is a print
server ID, it does not restrict clients. There is no authentication function on the client side.
Furthermore, the name of the ID is not one related to a third party authentication mechanism; rather
it is one in the printer server.
Specify the print port for secure communication (SSL) printing as follows.
It is also possible to make secure communication (SSL) settings in addition to the secure
communication (SSL) print function. That URL is shown below.