Tube vitalizer, 10 control elements, High freq. intensity – Sound Performance Lab 9530 User Manual

Page 15: High - lc filter

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Improved high and harmonic
frequencies result in a silky
top-end with better separa-
tion and intelligibility.

High Freq.




High - LC Filter


Control elements

The Tube Vitalizer works with a filter-network and controlled

changes of phase relationships to emphasize high frequencies
and harmonics of the original source. The result is an unobtrusive
and silky top end.

We consciously did without the generator principle of “Exciters”.

The Tube Vitalizer’s High Freq. EQ and harmonic filter does not
add any distortions to the original signal, unlike with the gene-
rator principle. It extracts all the information it needs from the
original signal. This significantly reduces the hearing fatigue
effect on the listener. By influencing the phase relationship in an
intelligent fashion, the filtering emphasizes the perception of
high and harmonical frequencies. The effect significantly
improves the speech intelligibility and the transparency. Old
archived recordings sound fresh and silky again. The brilliance of
any audio signal can be improved without it sounding sharp.

The Intensity control sets the amount of High Freq. being added

to the signal. You can then listen to the High Freq. control separa-
tely, when you close the Process Level control (extreme left). The
Bass and Hi-Mid Freq. controls do not function any more. The Hi-
Mid Freq. and the High Freq. filter complement each other in an
ideal fashion. While the Hi-Mid Freq. sets the frequency above
which the program material is lifted and below which the
damping takes place, the High Freq. and Intensity controls come
in place to extract certain frequencies from this process. This is
very helpful, when you are processing material with lead vocals:
Using the Hi-Mid Freq. will generally damp some speech frequen-
cies and the voice moves into the mix loosing a bit of its presence.
Use the High Freq. to catch the voice and the Intensity control to
bring it back up front. Especially switching the High Freq. filter
into LC Filter mode helps to improve the presence on vocals.

The active filter-network to process the high end operates with

a RC-combination (R = resistor; C = condenser). The LC Filter
switch adds a passive coil/condenser filter to the network.

Coils are known for their pleasant sound. When getting satu-

rated they produce a special harmonical structure giving a certain
punchy sound that we know from old filter designs. For the top-
end switching the coils active means, that the sound gets more
mid-range and presence. At the same time a certain amount of
roughness is introduced. This is especially beneficial to vocals and
helps them to stand out in the mix without altering level.

The Tube Vitalizer offers you the choice between both ‘worlds’.

The Tube Vitalizer features a compressor, which is integrated

into the high frequency filter network. The original signal is left