Sonic Blue Scooter User Manual

Page 19

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Sonic/RevA/May 2004

Model Numbers



Red, Blue

Overall Length

37 in.

Overall Width

21 in.

Total Weight Without Batteries

93 lbs.

Heaviest Piece When Disassembled

35 lbs.

Turning Radius

34 in.

Speed (maximum)

Variable up to 4.25 mph

Range Per Charge*

(With 12 AH batteries) Up to 10 miles

Ground Clearance

1.75 in.

Weight Capacity

300 lbs.

Standard Seating

Type: Foldable molded plastic
Dimensions: 17 in. width
16 in. depth (usable)
12 in. height (usable)
Material: Charcoal fabric

Drive System

Rear-wheel drive, sealed transaxle, 24 volt DC motor

Dual Braking System

Electronic, regenerative, and electromechanical


Type: solid; front: 2 in. x 7.5 in
rear: 2.5 in. x 7.5 in.

Battery Requirements

Type: Two 12 volt, deep cycle (AGM or Gel-Cell)
Size: 12 AH
Weight: 9 lbs. each

Battery Charger

Off-board charger

I V . S P E C I F I C A T I O N S

* Varies with user weight, terrain type, battery charge, battery condition, and tire condition.