Monitor outputs – Spirit UltraMic Plus User Manual

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These outputs provide summing of the corresponding input channel

monitor sends, and drive XLR-type output sockets from impedance

balanced outputs. A break-point is included before each output socket for

the connection of an external graphic equaliser.

Outputs 1-8 are configured as mono sends, and outputs 9/10 and 11/12 are

arranged as stereo pairs.


The monitor send is completely disabled when the MUTE switch is pressed,

and the adjacent LED illuminates to warn that the mute is active.


A variable High Pass Filter is provided to reduce the level of stage-driven

low frequency feedback, or particularly to tailor the output frequency to

match the frequency range of smaller wedge monitor speakers which may

not be able to tolerate high levels of LF signal. Rotate the control fully

anticlockwise when the filter is not required.

60Hz Filter (9-12 only)

A fixed 60Hz high-pass filter is provided on outputs 9/10 and 11/12, which

might typically be used for in-ear monitor transmitters, effects sends or

FOH PA. The filter helps to clean up the mix and reduce large low

frequency transients.


Pressing the T/B (Talkback) switch routes the talkback mic signal to the

monitor output and simultaneously dims the monitor signal to allow the

engineer’s voice to be heard over the mix. The Talkback level is set by the

T/B SENS control on the Master section. Talkback is disabled when the

DIM switch is pressed.


Pressing the DIM switch attenuates the monitor output by 6dB as an

immediate way of eliminating feedback while the source of the problem is



The 100mm fader controls the overall level of each output. The ‘0’ mark

gives unity gain from the fader, leaving 5dB in hand.


The signal from either of the two stereo FX Returns may be mixed directly

to the Monitor output at a level set by the local control (overall level is set

by the FX1 RET and FX2 RET controls on the Master section). The

RET1/RET2 switch selects FX Return 1 when released, and FX Return 2

when pressed. On outputs 1-8 the FX Return signal will be a mono sum of

left and right, and on 9-10 and 11-12 the signal will be fed in stereo. Note

that FX Return 1 may be globally switched from the Master section to be

the House Mic signal if required.

FOH Facility

A sub-grouping facility is included on outputs 1-10 to allow the

console to be used as a FOH mixer. Pressing the 11-12 switch

routes the post-fade, post-insert signal to the Monitor 11/12

busses, enabling these outputs to be used as a stereo final mix.

The PAN control positions the monitor signal in the stereo

image (outputs 1-8 only). Final mix level is controlled by the

11-12 Monitor Fader.


On the stereo output pairs (9/10 and 11/12) the HOUSE control injects an

ambience signal picked up from the stereo House Mic inputs into the

monitor outputs, which is particularly important when feeding in-ear


MNTR (Monitor - Engineer’s Wedge)

A separate monitor mix may be created for the Engineer’s Wedge monitor

or Headphones. The POST EQ/PRE EQ switch selects the source for the

mix as before or after the Graphic EQ insert point, and will normally be

post-EQ (switch released). Rotate the MNTR control fully anticlockwise

when not required.


When the latching SOLO switch is pressed, the post- or pre-Graphic EQ

signal (as selected by the POST EQ/PRE EQ switch) is fed to the

headphones and engineer’s wedge outputs, replacing the selected wedge

source and illuminating the SOLO/PFL LED on the Master section. The

adjacent red LED lights to identify the active solo. This is a useful way of

listening to any required output signal without interrupting any of the

monitor sends, for making adjustments or tracing problems. In the case of

outputs 1-8 the SOLO signal will be mono to left and right, while 9/10 and

11/12 are fed as stereo.


3-colour peak reading BARGRAPH METERS are provided to monitor the

final output, giving you a constant warning of excessive peaks in the signal

which might cause overloading. Aim to keep the signal within the amber

segments at peak levels for best performance. Similarly, if the output level

is too low and hardly registering at all on the meters, the level of

background noise may become significant. Take care to set up the input

levels for best performance.

The source for the meter may be selected as PRE or POST the Graphic EQ

insert point, as set by the adjacent METER switch. With the switch released

the meter will be fed from the POST-EQ signal.