SIGMA BM-286A User Manual

Page 46

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Model BM-286A


ADC: Analog to Digital Converter, is an integrated circuit that converts an analog signal into a

binary number that can be used by the microprocessor.

CPS or cps: Counts Per Second

High Background Alarm/Fault: The condition that occurs if the counts exceed the

programmed high background level. This condition prevents further operation until the problem

is corrected. Normally set in cps.

LCD: Liquid Crystal Display

LED: Light Emitting Diode

LLD: The Lower Level Discriminator provides a threshold, usually adjustable, that determines

the lowest signal level that will be accepted as a nuclear pulse by the system’s electronics. Some

systems have both upper and lower level discriminators that can be used to set a discriminator

window. The discriminator window can be used to effectively reduce the background counts,

and increase system sensitivity to certain isotopes. Also see ULD.

Low Background Alarm/Fault: The condition that occurs if the counts fall below the

programmed high background level. This condition prevents further operation until the problem

is corrected. Normally set in cps.

POST: Power On Self Test