Guidance for safe operation and use – Sterling Power Products Little Gem User Manual

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Crossing roads

Your scooter is not capable of
mounting and dismounting kerbs
and other obstacles. Always use
pedestrian crossings or drop
downs. Be aware that some drop
downs may be entrances to
driveways. Use caution if this is the

Remember before crossing the
road, drive forwards and position
the scooter at 90° to the road.
Stopping about 30 - 60cm (1 - 2
feet), away from the edge of the
footpath. Check that it is clear to
cross. Select a medium to high
speed setting and when safe to do
so, drive across without stopping.

Note: Heavier users will
require higher speed settings.

Note: Low speed settings are
recommended when travelling
down hill, particularly in reverse.
Also, reduce your speed when
turning corners. The anti-tip
devices fitted to the scooter
must not be removed

Travelling across slopes

Care should be taken traversing
across a slope.

Note: Do not traverse across
the face of a slope in excess of
9°. Disregard of this advice
could result in your scooter

Guidance for safe operation and use

Use on the footpath

When using your scooter on the
footpath always be aware of
pedestrians and situations which
might require extra care. For
example, young children and pets.
Remember, especially when driving
in public places, to drive with caution
and regard for others at all times.
When manoeuvring in confined
areas, including shops, ensure the
minimum speed is selected. If you
leave your scooter outside a shop
ensure that it does not obstruct
pedestrians or vehicular access, and
remember to switch it off for safety.