Sennheiser SKM 3072-U User Manual
Page 6

Unlocking and removing the protection/
identification cap
Press the corrugated area below the microphone body to unlock the
protection/identification cap and push the cap backwards until you meet
resistance. The operating controls are now accessible.
The protection cap can be exchanged. To do so, push the cap further
backwards over the resistance. If several S KM 3072-U hand-held
transmitters are used simultaneously, the protection cap – which is supplied
in various colours – also serves as an identification mark.
Display of transmission frequency or
channel number
After you have switched on your SKM 3072-U, the microprocessor
performs a self test which can be followed on the display. After about two
seconds, the PLL has locked on the preselected transmission frequency
and the standard display – the preselected transmission frequency or the
channel number – is shown.
With the
buttons you can now choose the content of the display i.e.
whether the transmission frequency or the channel number is displayed.
Your selection is stored and remains stored even if the transmitter is
switched off and on again.
button: The display of the transmission frequency is quite
important for the technician as he can check in which channel
grid the transmission is taking place, if the channels are interfering
with each other and so on.
button: The channel number – which is the same for both
transmitter and receiver – is easier to monitor for the user on
Display of battery /
rechargeable accupack status
The display indicates the (remaining) capacity of the battery / rechargeable
accupack in use. The display differs for battery or accupack operation.
Battery operation:
If all eight LCD segments are showing, the full battery capacity is
If four LCD segments are showing, about half of the battery
capacity is still available.
If the battery is going flat, only the last LCD segment is showing
and the “
” warning flashes in alternation with the display of
the transmission frequency / channel number. You should replace
the battery within the next ten minutes.
Accupack operation
(display only if the Sennheiser BA 1032 accupack is used):
If only the LCD segment on the right is showing, the accupack
can be used.
If the accupack is going flat, only the last LCD segment on the
left is showing and the “
” warning flashes in alternation
with the display of the transmission frequency / channel number.
You should replace the accupack within the next ten minutes.
Intermediate capacities are not displayed. When a new accupack
is inserted the right-hand LCD segment will indicate full capacity.
As the accupack discharges this segment will remain on showing
that the accupack is usable, when the accupack approaches full
discharge the display will switch to showing the left-hand LCD
segment as a warning (as described above).
Accupacks from other manufacturers cannot be “identified” by the
electronics and their capacity is therefore not displayed correctly.
Sennheiser transmitters report their
battery status to the receiver
Together with the RF signal, the SKM 3072-U transmits inaudible
information on its remaining battery or accupack capacity to the receiver.
This information can be evaluated with the Sennheiser EM 3031/EM
3032/EM 3532 or EM 1046 receivers.
Accupack operation
Battery operation