Overview – SMC Networks Glentek Amplifier User Manual
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Glentek Inc. 208 Standard Street, El Segundo, California 90245, U.S.A. (310) 322-3026
Application Guide
This guide is designed to assist the customer with the integration of Glentek’s Amplifiers and
Motors to their systems, utilizing high response micro stepping servos instead of low resolu-
tion stepper motors. The difference between stepper motors and servo motors with high
resolution encoders will be pointed out and examples will be given. Also an overview of
Glentek servo motors and amplifiers will be provided. This guide will answer many questions
that are asked when trying to retrofit an older machine with Position Loop stepper servos.
The guide also explains how to choose the correct servo motor replacement for a stepper mo-
The guide describes how to set up the Glentek Position Loop Stepper servo amplifier and
connect it to the Sound Logic breakout board. Also, we have included a brushless vs. brush
type comparison for those of you that are currently using brush type motor in your servo sys-
For additional information such as tuning the Glentek servo amplifier in pulse follower mode,
go to the Glentek website at www.Glentek.com, and open the installation and operation man-
ual (24Aug07) for Omega series amplifiers under “Support > Manual”. To connect to Sound
Logic Breakout board, see input schematic for pulse and direction position mode, page 15.
Also, the tuning section for pulse and direction begins on page 41 of the manual.