Schumacher PST-900X User Manual

Page 6

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Clamp the positive (red) clamp to the positive (POs, P, +) battery post.


Clamp the negative (black) clamp to the negative (NeG, N, -) battery post.


Once you connect the tester to a battery, the screen will come on and


display BatterY test and the voltage of the battery the tester is

connected to. Press the eNter button.
the screen will show BatterY tYPe and staNdard sLI type of


battery. to change the battery type to VrLa/GeL/aGM/sLa, press the

FOrWard or BaCK button. Once the correct battery type has been

selected, press ENTER. (See GLOSSARY for battery definition.)
the screen will show seLeCt ratING and either CCa (sae), IeC,


dIN, JIs or eN battery rating. to change the battery rating, press the

FOrWard or BaCK button. Once the correct battery rating has been

selected, press eNter.
the screen will show set CaPaCItY and a number with the rating you


previously chose. to change the capacity to a different number, press the

FOrWard or BaCK button. Once the correct battery capacity has been

selected, press eNter. the following chart shows the capacity ranges

available for each battery rating.

CCa (sae): 40 – 2000

eN: 40 – 2100

IeC: 30 – 1500

dIN: 25 – 1300

JIs: By Battery type Number

the screen will show testING. after several seconds, the screen will


change to show the results of the test. after the results are displayed,

press eNter.

NOTE: If the tester determines that the battery voltage is low (based on the

type, rating and capacity that was previously input), it will ask Is BatterY

CHarGed? this means, has the battery been charged without any drain

placed on it within the last 24 hours. Press the FOrWard or BaCK button

to switch between Yes and NO. Once the correct option has been selected,

press eNter.

When the test is complete, the display shows the volts and CCa or


percent of charge. Press the FOrWard or BaCK button to select: sOH

(STATE OF HEALTH) or SOC (STATE OF CHARGE). One of five results

will be displayed:

GOOd aNd Pass: the battery is good and capable of holding a charge.

reCHarGe aNd retest: the battery is discharged, and the battery

condition cannot be determined until it is fully charged. recharge and

retest the battery.
Bad aNd rePLaCe: the battery will not hold a charge and should be

Bad CeLL aNd rePLaCe: the battery has at least one cell short circuit

and should be replaced.
LOad errOr: the tested battery is bigger than 2000 CCa or 200 ah,

or the clamps are not connected properly. diagnose and correct the

problem, then fully charge the battery and retest it. If the reading is the

same, replace the battery. NOte: are there any accessories still turned

on? If yes, turn them off, charge the battery and retest it. If no, replace

the battery since the charging system is working and a good battery

should have accepted a charge.