Adding a second track, Step 6 : mixing your vocals – ServiceMagic Recording Equipment User Manual
Page 6

Adding a second track
How did that sound? Now you’ve heard yourself, you might want to add another
instrument, a harmony or backing vocals to the track you have recorded. Just follow these
simple steps:
1) Highlight a new track e.g. Audio 2 in the Arrange window and click the R button. As
before, click the Record button on the Transport window. You can now hear the first track
you recorded and you can sing a harmony or a backing into the microphone to create
track 2. Click Stop when you have finished. Deselect the R button.
2) To playback both tracks together, click the Stop button on the Transport menu to get
back to the beginning of the song. Then click Play, and listen!
3) While the song is playing, you can silence either of the two tracks simply by pressing
the M (for mute) button on the track you want to silence. Don’t forget to click mute off
when you want to add the track again.
4) You can delete what you have recorded on any track by clicking on the audio file (the
long, thin rectangle) and hitting the delete key on your keyboard.
5) Always remember to File > Save!
STEP 6: Mixing your vocals
Right. You’re basically happy with how you sound but you want to adjust the volumes of
the tracks and maybe add some effects. Here’s how! This step involves getting to know
another window, the Mixer window.
1) Go to Windows>Open Mixer.
2) In the Mixer window your tracks are arranged vertically. For each, you can adjust the
volume, or add special effects such as reverb.
3) While the Mixer window is open, click Play in the Transport window. As your song is
playing, adjust the controls in the Mixer to see how they affect the sound being played
back. Enjoy playing around!
For more information on the controls in the Mixer window, see p.107 in the Logic manual -
always remember to save your work.
Track: Each vertical
line represents one
of your tracks, laid
out in the same
order as in the
Arrange window.
Volume slider:
Slide the bar up or
down to increase
or decrease the
volume of this
individual track.
Rev (reverb) and
chorus: Use these
controls to add
effects to your
vocals on
this track. Click on
the buttons and drag
up or down.