Front panel indications – SIGMA K1000 User Manual

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Sigma K1000 Series 1, 2, 4 & 6 Zone Fire Control Panels Operation and Maintenance Manual

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4.2 System Fault Indicator

The system fault indicator will illuminate under any abnormal condition. Certain conditions
may be diagnosed without looking inside the enclosure as follows:-

(1) System Fault on. Supply Healthy off


Power failure or system fuse failure.

(2) System Fault on, Zone Fault on


Zone O/C or S/C in indicated zone.

(3) System Fault on, Zone test on


Zone indicated in test mode.

(4) System Fault on, Disabled Led on


Zone indicated in disabled/isolated mode.

(5) System Fault on. Sounder Fault on


Sounder Circuit O/C or S/C Fault.

4.3 Alarm Silenced Indicator

The alarm silenced indicator should only be accompanied by one or more steady fire
indicators, and indicates that the sounders have been silenced.
Operation of subsequent fire zones or the evacuate switch will extinguish the alarm
silenced indicator.

4.4 Zone Fault Indicator

Illumination of a zone fault indicator may mean that one or more trigger devices are
inoperative and requires immediate attention.
Zone fault indicators will illuminate in the event of:-

(1) Disconnection or severance of zone wiring
(2) Short Circuit on zone wiring
(3) Removal of a sensor from its base
(4) Disconnection of the end of line monitor resistor, or active end of line unit (LCMU)

4.5 Fire Indicators

Upon detection of a fire the red zone fire alarm indicator will flash to give warning of
the area (zone) in fire and the common fire indicator will be illuminated. This will be
accompanied by a pulsing buzzer within the control panel and the operation of the

4.6 Sounder Fault Indicator

The sounder fault indicator and the system fault indicator will be illuminated if a sounder
circuit is open or short circuit.

4.7 Zone Test Indicator

The zone test indicator will be illuminated if one or more zones are in zone test mode.

4.8 Disabled Indicator

The disabled indicator will be illuminated if :-
(A) one or more zones are in the disabled mode. This is accompanied by the zone fault
(B) The Sounder disable or remote signal, disable switch is operated. This Indicator will
be accompanied by the system fault indicator.

4.9 Common Fire/ Evacuate Indicator

The common fire indicator will be illuminated if the panel is in an alarm condition or in
an evacuate condition.