Senario Cosmo Girl Video Game System 21184 User Manual

Page 6

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you’ve agreed on an answer, press the corresponding button on your
When your team is attempting a Trivia Challenge, you have to think
fast. The number of points you earn is determined by the amount
of time left on the 30-second clock. For example, if it takes you 20
seconds to decide on your answer, you will earn 10 points if you guess
correctly. Of course, entering an incorrect answer scores you no
points at all, so don’t rush to answer. It’s better to take a little longer
and get the question right than press a button quickly and discover
you were wrong.
It’s worth noting that the final say on which answer is selected
belongs to the team captain. She’s the one with the handset and
she’s the one who’s got to press the button. The captain will usually
enter the answer chosen by the team, but if she thinks she knows
better she can press any button she wants.

Lightning Round

A Lighting Round is similar to a Trivia Challenge. When this icon
is revealed on the board, both teams will face off in a head-to-head
trivia challenge. One after another, the game will present 5 trivia
questions. Each team has 30 seconds to enter an answer to each
question. For every correct answer a team enters, 6 points are scored.
Thus, if TEAM A were to get all 5 questions correct, they would score
a total of 30 points.

Moment Of Truth

When a Moment Of Truth icon is revealed, play stops for a few
minutes while the instructions shown by game are followed.
Sometimes a Moment Of Truth will instruct you to share a personal
secret, like: “What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents ever
caught you doing?” Sometimes it will present a simple activity, like:
“Everyone must their socks in a bag, draw 2 out without looking, and
wear them for the rest of the night.”
No points are scored for a Moment of Truth.

Bonus Game

In addition to trivia questions, teams can earn points by playing
arcade-style bonus games. When a bonus game icon appears beneath
a tile, the team captain decides who on her team should play it. She
hands her the controller. When the designated player is ready to
begin, she presses any button on her handset to begin the bonus
When playing a Bonus Game, the outside buttons on the handset (A
and D) are used to move things (like the cursor) left or right and the
two center buttons (B and C) are used to make selections or activate
There are 9 different Bonus Games in the CosmoGirl! ™ TV Game.

Bad Hair Day

In this game you have 3 chances to find two matching hair styles on
the mirrors inside a number of compacts. Just move the cursor left or
right (D button) and up or down (A button) until the compact you
want to select is highlighted. Then press either the B or C button to
open it up. Once you see the image inside, select a second compact
and open it up. If you find a match or your first try, you win 30 points.
If you find one on your second try, you win 20 points. If it takes you 3
tries, you win 10 points. If you don’t find a match on your 3


try, the

game is over and you score no points.

Bargain Hunter

It’s shopping time! In this game, you’re trying to do as much
shopping as possible before your credit card is declined. To play,
just move the cursor onto one of the stores and select it. If a crying
girl appears, your credit card was turned down and the game ends
without you winning any points. If you don’t see the crying girl, you
will be shown an amount of money – that’s how many points you’ve
won. You can keep playing until the crying girl appears or you have

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2005-10-14 11:24:01 AM