Symantec Security Expressions Server User Manual

Page 32

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SecurityExpressions Server User Guide


Clean Now

Click this button to perform an unscheduled cleanup on audit data. Then click Delete to

confirm the action or Cancel to cancel it.

Self-Service Audit Agreement

An organization may require the acceptance of corporate agreement text before allowing an

audit. Your organization can customize an agreement and include it in the Self-Service Audit

settings. The administrator configures the system to require users to accept the agreement text

before running a self-service audit or skip this agreement.

If users executing the self-service audit wish to comply with the agreement text, the Self-Service

Audit proceeds and the results display. If they disagree with the agreement, the self-service audit

does not occur.

Agreement acceptance remains throughout the session. If users time out or shut down, they

must accept or reject the agreement the next time they want to audit the local system.

To configure the self-service audit agreement:

1. Click Use the Following Agreement.

2. Type the text of the agreement in the scroll box.

3. Type a version number for the agreement in the Agreement Version box.

If you update the version number each time you modify the agreement, you can keep

track of the which version of the agreement is current. Every time a user accepts the
agreement, the event is logged with this version number.

4. Click the Update button to save the agreement settings.

Agent Downloads

The Agent Downloads page lets you download the installation packages for all audit agents,

Windows and UNIX, directly from the Audit and Compliance Server to the computer on which you

want to install the agent.

To download an installation package:

1. Click the link corresponding to the platform of the computer on which you want to install

the agent.

2. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
3. In the Save As dialog box, browse for the location on the computer where you want to

install the agent and click Save.

4. When the Download Complete dialog box appears, click Run to start the installation

process or Open Folder to open the location on the computer where you downloaded

the installation package.

Site Preferences

The Site Preference options on the Application Setup page let you select general settings for the

application. Click Apply after changing these settings.

Enable Web Services