SWR Sound 750 User Manual
Page 6

SWR’s Aural Enhancer control was developed to bring out the fundamental low notes of the bass guitar,
reduce cer tain frequencies that help mask the fundamentals, and enhance the high end transients. The result-
ing frequency response is similar to that used for recording the bass in the studio. This effect becomes more
radical as the control is turned to maximum. The result is a more “transparent” sound and is especially notice-
able when slapping/thumb-style on the bass guitar.
Basically, the Aural Enhancer can be described as a tone shaping control, as it is a passive R/C network that
alters the frequency response throughout the bass spectrum. This pre-shaping is “blended” into the original
signal via the Aural Enhancer control. Exact frequencies affected are dependent on the characteristics of the
instrument used.
The Bass control adjusts the level of the lower or bass frequencies. Star ting at mid-center click-position, turn-
ing the control counter-clockwise cuts the bass response; turning the control clockwise boosts the bass
Pulling the bass control to the out position widens the bandwidth of the bass control to include frequencies
down to 30Hz (low B on a five string bass). Since some of these notes can be felt more than heard, it is espe-
cially impor tant to keep an eye on the preamp clip LED. Constant clipping of these frequencies can diminish
the life of the speakers or cause them to fail.
Level Control
The Level control cuts or boosts the frequency set by the Frequency control. Star ting at mid-position, turning
the Level control counter clockwise cuts the desired tone. Turning the Level control clockwise boosts the
desired tone. When the level control set at mid (center click) position, turning the frequency control will have
no affect on the sound.
To find the midrange area you’re looking for:
1. Adjust the Level control to the full boost or cut position.
2. Rotate the Frequency control until the desired area you wish to cut or boost is found.
3. Adjust the Level control to the desired amount of cut or boost
Frequency Control
The Frequency control sets the area that is to be cut or boosted by the Level Control. If the Level control is set
at mid-position, turning the Frequency knob will have NO affect.
Note: If you need to “cut through” the band a little more, tr y boosting 200 to 400Hz. If you like a more
transparent sound, tr y cutting at 800Hz. The midrange area is especially useful in controlling fretless
basses and their inherent qualities.
The Treble control is a shelving type tone control that cuts or boosts the high notes and their octaves. Star ting
from mid position, turning the control counter-clockwise cuts the highs while turning the control clockwise
boosts the treble region.
In the normal (in) position, the shelving point of the treble control is approximately 2kHz. By pulling the knob
outward, the shelving point is changed to 4kHz.