Sun Microsystems OpenSolaris M10 User Manual
Getting started, Opensolaris support information, Toshiba hardware support information

Your Toshiba M10 or R600 notebook comes preinstalled with the OpenSolaris™ 2008.11 release and several
supplemental software packages, such as the following:
Adobe Flash Player
Java™ SE Development Kit 6 Update 10
Sun™ xVM VirtualBox 2.0.6
Sun Studio Express 11/08
Web Stack that includes MySQL™ and the Apache Web Server
When you boot the system for the first time, you will be asked to view the OpenSolaris license, perform
system initialization steps, and log in.
The system initialization process includes the following:
Selecting your time zone
Selecting your locale and language
Setting the superuser (root) password
Creating a new user for yourself
Specifying the host name of the notebook
After you complete the system initialization process and reboot, log in and check out the What’s New section
to learn all about the great new features of OpenSolaris 2008.11, like Time Slider. And don’t forget to
Register your system to keep it current. Enjoy your new OpenSolaris system!
For more information about getting started with the OpenSolaris 2008.11 software and installing new
software packages, see
Where to Go For Recovery and Release Notes Information
Should you experience problems with the notebook that require you to start over, get information about
recovering the OpenSolaris 2008.11 preinstalled image from
© 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.
Part No: 820-6591-10 November, 2008
OpenSolaris Support Information
When your contract is entered into the Sun contract database, you’ll receive an additional email with a
contract number for your Subscription offering for OpenSolaris.
To get started, access the Sun Services Welcome kit at
Get resources and support that are part of your coverage
Gain access to self-help resources
Log, update, and close Service Requests at the Sun Online Support Center
Contact Sun for technical phone support:
Customers in the United States, call 1-800-USA-4SUN (1-800-872-4786)
Customers outside the United States, call the appropriate regional support number shown at
Go to
for information about OpenSolaris Subscriptions.
Toshiba Hardware Support Information
For Toshiba Notebooks purchased in the United States
Contact the Toshiba Call Center for hardware technical support:
Customers in the United States, call 1-877-786-2848
Customers outside the United States, call 1-949-462-7704
For Toshiba Notebooks purchased outside the United States
Go to
to find your local support number.
Legal Notice
IMPORTANT LICENSE NOTICE: The software preinstalled on or shipped with the enclosed Toshiba hardware
and additional software from are subject to the license terms found in the respective
software and/or License or README files. Your use of such software will constitute acceptance of these
terms. If you do not agree with the terms of the applicable license, do not use the software.
For details about OpenSolaris 2008.11 and repository license terms, see
For details about additional preinstalled software packages from the OpenSolaris Package Repository, see
Use of Adobe Flash Player technology is subject to the enclosed Sun Microsystems, Inc. Software License
Agreement and related Entitlement.
Use of VirtualBox 2.0.6 is subject to the enclosed VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (License
version 7, September 10, 2008) as if you had installed the software yourself.
All of this software is subject to U.S. Export Administration Regulations and may only be distributed in
accordance with these laws. Diversion to persons or destinations contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.