Vogue Industrial ABOVE GROUND SWIMMING POOL User Manual

Page 18

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Whilst you can employ us to carry out the spring commissioning to your pool it is quite possible with
To commission your pool-
If need be- top your pool right up from a hose pipe (you will need this excess water for vacuuming to waste).
Remove the winter cover from the pool and spread out to dry.
Replace all of the drain plugs taken out of the filter, pump and heater (where fitted) when you closed the pool. (You should
find them in the pump basket.)
Ensure that the skimmer valve is closed and the multiport valve is set to waste. Roll out backwash hose.
At poolside assemble the vacuum kit and plug hose in to skimmer outlet.
At the pump switch on and open skimmer valve and allow pump to prime.
Return to poolside and commence vacuuming the entire pool floor in a systematic pattern. (If leaves have entered the pool
and collected vacuum these up last!) If vacuum seems to be poor check for a full pump basket or obstructions in the
vacuum head.
After vacuuming the pool the water level should be at it’s normal running level, if it is low top it up from hose pipe again.
With the pool at the correct level return to plantroom and open skimmer valve. (Some air may enter system, this should
clear in a few minutes.) At this point it is a good idea to give the filter a backwash, not forgetting to rinse! Leave filter
running in filter position, if required switch the pool heating on (where fitted).
Return to poolside and remove the vacuum kit, net off any leaves etc.
Test pool water for pH and adjust if required. Shock dose pool to 10ppm and add long life summer algaecide.
Replace pool ladder, check ladder to ensure there are no missing or worn parts, if needed replace any parts before placing
ladder in position otherwise damage may be caused to the pool liner.
Place roller/cover at end of pool, anchor roller if required and unroll cover onto pool.
Remove all debris from dried winter cover, fold/roll-up and store in summer storage bag.


Whilst you can employ your pool supply company to carry out the winterisation to your pool it is quite possible with some
basic skills to do it yourself.
Winterising your pool (putting it to bed) properly at the end of the summer season is very important, it will protect the
equipment and done right will ensure the pool and equipment are good condition saving you time and money in the spring.

To winterise your pool-

1. Remove the summer cover from the pool, whilst doing so hose off and brush the cover to ensure it is free of leaves and
clean. If a roller is fitted, with the cover rolled up, cover it with the protector sheet and tie it up in several places. Raise one
end of the roller and support it, this way any retain water will drain out, whilst this is happening you can proceed with the
rest of the closedown.
2. With the filter multiport valve set to ‘Waste’ vacuum the pool clean, backwash the filter and follow up with a rinse,
continue to lower the level of the pool water to approximately 6” below the skimmer mouth. This helps prevent frost/ice
damage to the pool structure.
3. Remove ladders if fitted, clean and store.
4. Test pool water for pH and adjust if required. (Most winter algaecides work at their best with a pH of 7.2-7.4
5. With the filter multiport valve set to filter (skimmer closed, main drain open) and pump switched on shock dose the pool
with chlorine and add long life winter algaecide. Allow water to circulate for a period before switching pump off.
6. Check skimmer basket and clean. Do not leave any chlorine tablets in the basket. If the skimmer lid is broken, now is the
time to replace it!
7. Fit winter cover ensuring straps are well tensioned. The cover should tight fitting, it is worthwhile to check for strap
tension from time to time through the winter and adjust if required.
8. Remove the roller assembly and store.
9. Switch off the power supply and turn off gas/oil valves.
10. In the plantroom ensure that the skimmer and main drain valve are open. Remove drain plugs from pump, filter and
heater and lubricate with a water based grease. Remove pump lid and clean basket if required. It is a good idea to store all
of the drain plugs in the pump basket, that way you will know where they are in the spring! With heat pumps ensure the
water connections are undone to ensure all water escapes. With gas/oil heaters it is a good idea to replace the plugs
loosely once the heater has drain (most heater have a cast iron header and brass plugs, if left out over the winter you may
find it difficult to fit the plugs).
11. As the winter progresses check the water level from time to time, with prolonged heavy rain and/or snow you may to
drain off more water. With the pool pump out of action you will need to do this either by siphon or submersible, if you don’t
own one most hire shops have them.